A Long, Hot Summer
The next few months will verify the direction that we see the world going in. Syria will either survive, or the Gulf Arabs and Turkey will invade and destroy Damascus. Donald Trump will either receive the nomination and win the election, or the American elites will stage a coup and install Hillary Clinton. Either gold will rise and the Stock Market collapse, or the central bankers will be successful in heading off yet another financial armageddon. Either North Korea launches an EMP attack upon America, or the Chinese successfully suppress the chubby kid in Pyongyang.
I’m afraid that I’m not hopeful about ANY of the above.
It’s going to be a long, hot summer.
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A Long, Hot Summer
I’m afraid that I only have a few minutes to get this out, before rushing off to the Bible class that my wife and I teach on Fridays, so this will need to be short. Unfortunately, the news for this week is as bad as I’ve ever seen it.
There are four potential catastrophes on the horizon that would be terrifying if I did not believe in God. And, even though I believe that God is in control, I fear for your future, in terms of these events.
The Setup For Gog And Magog
This summer will determine the course for the coming of Gog and Magog. If the recapture of Aleppo by Syria is successful, and Turkey and the Gulf Arabs fail to invade Syria this summer… then Gog and Magog may be delayed.
Unfortunately, I’m not in an optimistic mood over this. Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf Arabs are in alliance with Turkey, and they are planning an invasion of Syria. The Arabs will invade from the south and take out Damascus, and the Turks will invade from the north and Take Aleppo.
The Russians will put up a bit of a fight, but they will retreat from Syria. In their retreat, Russia will strengthen her alliance with Iran and make plans for an invasion of the Middle East.
Scroll down to the GOG AND MAGOG category of the research section of this article, and you will see what I mean.
Political Armageddon – USA
What is happening in the US in the run-up for the 2016 Presidential election, is very unsettling. There is talk of assassinations and coups, and this is NOT good. I was a bit player in the Republican Party in Indiana, before I went off to Israel in late 1992. And, I played a teeny-tiny role in helping elect George Bush, Sr. in 1988, and in his failed attempt at re-election in ’92.
I am deeply embarrassed that I tried to help that piece of garbage. If I knew then, what I know now, I never would have participated in that attempt. NEVER.
But, that experience gave me a view of the inner workings of the Republican Party (and the CFR, by the way). That view has shown me how awful and evil the Republicans are, as well as the Democrats.
I can tell you from personal experience, that the Republican Elites are ready and willing to take down Trump and give the Presidency to Hillary. I know the kind of people they are. In fact, I might even have met some of them personally. And, they are as vile as vile can be.
Expect the very worst, in the upcoming election.
The Rise Of Gold And The Fall Of Stocks
Bo Polny has been talking about the cycle in gold and stocks. He’s predicting a doubling of gold and a 50 percent drop in the stock markets. And, I suspect that he’s right. It certainly looks like prediction is coming true.
I bought my small amount of gold and silver a while ago, so I’m ready.
How about you?
EMP From North Korea
The chubby kid in Pyongyang is a scary dude. If he believes even HALF of what he says, expect one of those North Korean satellites to have a massive EMP weapon in it, with a chubby finger ready to press the big red button to explode that nuclear EMP weapon over the US.
If what we learned today – that’s right, just today – that kid is going to launch an EMP attack upon the US, soon – if someone doesn’t take out North Korea first.
I am NOT willing to bet that North Korea will be neutralized before they attack the US with an EMP.
I can’t say when. I’m not even completely certain that it WILL happen. But, when an enemy has the ability, willingness and motivation to do something like that…
God’s Judgment Upon America
Furthermore, you need to be thinking about how God views the US.
Is God about to judge the US?
I think so, so you need to be ready for God to use one or more (or all) of the above.
Please take the time to read through
the research section below.
There is a lot there
that you need to know.
Read my book, Ezekiel’s Fire.
It’s free, and it may just save your life.
Here’s the website:
Or, download the PDF:
These are the articles that hit my desktop this week – and seemed important.
My sources tend to change a bit from week to week, but for this week, my sources are:
Best of all, many of you provided me with valuable links that you will also find below.
Each of the above has their own foibles and biases, and that goes for Omega Shock. My hope is that YOUR bias will ALWAYS be Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
If You Don’t Warn The People, Their Blood Could Be On Your Hands
THIS was one of the same ideas that got Omega Shock started – the knowledge that YOUR BLOOD would be upon MY HEAD, if I did not warn you of what was coming. In fact, I’ve been doing this, in one form or another, for more than 20 years.
I think that Michael got started in early 2010, and Omega Shock came along in late 2011. I didn’t know about Michael until I was up and running – and hysterical.
And now that YOU know what is coming, your responsibility is to warn others so that THEIR BLOOD won’t be upon YOUR HEAD.
Remember that we will all stand before the Lord one day and be required to give an answer for everything that we DID and for everything that we DIDN’T DO.
Please. Spread the warning. For your own sake, if nothing else.
These are the articles that have special significance. They often stand in their own categories. They might occupy many different categories. Whatever the case, they are worth reading.
Justice Scalia Spent Final Hours with Members of Secret Society Affiliated With Bohemian Grove
I don’t even need to know the details, although I suspect that they will come out.
Anytime you see the words ‘secret society’, you know that Satan is at work there. That goes for the Masons, The Ku Klux Klan, and ANY other society with secrets.
Justice Scalia Died Surrounded By Luciferians: Special Report – YouTube
Interesting points. Here’s the YouTube writeup:
You are in a war for your mind, whether you believe it or not. More than anything…. the ruling elite have been bombarding the controlled narrative that overwhelmed your rational consciousness,your subconscious, unconscious, and ultimately your super consciousness long before you were even born. They have been using a two faced mind control technique known as the Hegelian dialectic to control both sides of an issue to keep you locked in a cage of powerlessness. That is how the only vote standing in the pathway of Obama’s lame duck New World Order policies was snuffed out without most people asking any questions.
That is why the details are so important to the awakened citizen. Wayne Madsen writes “Associate Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia could not have died in a more corrupt county than Presidio Co., Texas.
Don’t kid yourself, nowadays we the people rarely decide on the promotion of the common good. Ultimately every key decision regarding future generations is managed at confabs like Davos and Bilderberg by a small group of billionaires that ferret out their demands to their compromised talking heads to ram their New World Order Agenda into your cranium. Occult assimilated Lip Service agents representing politics, entertainment, religion, and an unseen group before your very eyes, a hidden society of Occultist Freemason’s that George Washington warned the United States about from day one now decides what barriers to their agenda must be removed. Whether its JFK, MLK, or Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.
Mitch McConnell is for the time being waging his part of the Hegelian Dialectic, claiming they will wait until Obama leaves office. Of course when and if something catastrophic happens. Obama will have full support of the bought and paid for media and congress to nominate a liberal Supreme Court Justice once the general election winds down. Wait for it.
Scalia’s death could be the kind of turning point that might even nullify the elections and stop a Trump presidency – which would cause all Hell to break loose.
I hope that you’ll be ready for this.
Lessons From The Holocaust For Our Times. We Are Living Within An Emergent Fascism! Here’s What’s Taking Place Right Now
We have forgotten the lessons of the Holocaust and the Armenian Genocide. And, there are foul and disgusting people who seek to dim that memory further.
A Holocaust is in our future, and I hope that we will have learned the lessons that the Jews learned, so that we will not suffer their fate.
God help us all.
26.02.2016 Crisis News – YouTube
Turkey, a wave of Islamic migrants, and the possible collapse of the EU as a functioning entity. Yeah, ‘crisis’ is a good word to use.
Breaking Down The Suspicious Death Of Justice Scalia:Jon Rappoport – YouTube
Jon Rappoport brings out a TON of detail here, and I think that it’s worth the 43 minutes to listen to it.
My hope is that you will realize that there are dark and dangerous secrets at the foul heart of the oligarchy running Amerika.
The Manchurian Candidate – Film, Literature and the New World Order – YouTube
James Corbett’s illogical and venemous anti-Israel bias often keeps me from using his material, but there are times when he produces something worth listening to. This is one of them, and it brings out something that I’ve been talking about for a long time:
MKULTRA and other attempts at mind control
The evidence of such things should be obvious to all who are willing to embrace the truth. It is a sad commentary on our dysfunctional society that so few are willing to see what is so clearly visible.
Laura Maxwell – Spiritualism, Spirit Guides & One World Order Exposed – YouTube
AMinuteToMidnite.com has been producing some exceptional video material, and I am impressed with the work that Chris and Tony have been doing. This is yet another excellent interview, this time with Laura Maxwell, from my ancestral home – Scotland.
Mosque bacon attack could get Florida man life in prison | Pamela Geller
If I wrap a mosque in raw bacon, will I get life in prison too?
Will I go to prison if I ADVOCATE wrapping a mosque in raw bacon?
The Jews consider raw bacon to be just as abhorrent, but I have yet to see a single person threatened with LIFE IMPRISONMENT for a ‘bacon attack’.
Amerika has become a sick and disgusting place. This is just a tiny sign of it.
Susan Lindauer: “The Same Old Liars Are Telling The Same Old Lies To Drive Us To Brink Of WWIII!” – YouTube
This gives you something of an idea of the evils of the wars that have happened, from someone who was an officer within the CIA – tasked with dealing with the material.
Cities Of Refuge: Why Are People Creating Hundreds Of Places Of Refuge All Over America?
I have been hoping that people would do this, and it is a relief for me to see it.
Please, as you prepare, prepare for more than just yourself. It is what Jesus would do… and, it is what He did – for you.
CONFIRMED – The U.S. Military Asks Tech Companies to Tweak Their Algorithms to Promote Certain Content
Okay, they’re working to ‘combat ISIS online’, but they’re doing far, far more than that. ISIS is just a ‘cover’. In fact, they have been waging a battle for our minds in our schools, in television and radio broadcasts, and now online.
They have not only won their battle, they’ve won the war. My hope is that they won’t get YOU.
However, the only way to avoid being mentally captured by their intrigues is to devote your ENTIRE life to following Jesus Christ, and reading the book that God gave you.
Pope Francis calls abortion activist a ‘great’ woman
Umm… Right. Pope Franky is a Satanist.
Nothing says Satanist like child sacrifice.
“Has Everyone Lost Their Freaking Minds?”
Just read the Hunter S Thompson quotes, and the text in bold. That’s all that I did, and all that you need to do.
But yes, everyone HAS lost their ‘freaking’ minds.
Lacking basic gear, special operators stuck buying their own equipment
OUCH. How is it that SEALS and other special operations forces are needing to use their own money to buy gear that they need?
This is insane!
No wonder the morale in the US military is so low.
Global Food Shocks 2017: Seven Crops that Will Rise in Price | Mini Ice Age 2015-2035 (139) – YouTube
Martin Armstrong mentioned this as a part of his discussion of cycles. And, it’s turning out to be true.
And, the point that this video makes is that the rise in food scarcity – and price – will cause civil unrest. Worse, this ‘Mini Ice Age’ has already begun.
USGS 6.8 Taiwan Quake Cover Up of Solar Minimum Effects | Mini Ice Age 2015-2035 (125) – YouTube
Interesting. I picked this up after watching the video above. Apparently, he’s in Taipei, also.
I’ve watched USGS do the same thing that he’s talking about. We’d feel the earthquake hit, and then we’d go online to the site that he’s referring to:
And then, a few hours – or less – later, USGS would downgrade the quake.
I guess that they must think that we’re stupid.
Anyway, lots of good info. You’ll be seeing more from this guy.
Only By Being Aware Can We Be Prepared For What Is Coming – The 10% Versus The 90% And The Difference Between “Hope” And “Doom”
This has some good stuff on preparation. Please read. Please watch the short videos. This isn’t hard, and it could save your life – and the lives of those you love.
Scientist Harassed After Warning of Plague Potential from Man-Made Retrovirus
I don’t normally get into this. My expertise lies in a different area, and I’m a bit leary of some of the claims that a lot of health nuts make. That ‘leariness’ also drives my poor wife crazy, ‘cuz she comes from a long line of CHRISTIAN Chinese Medicine doctors.
But, I love science, and the discussions here are interesting, and the scientist being interviewed is a true-blue, lab science Ph.D. EXPERT who isn’t an idiot or granola cruncher. THAT I can appreciate.
Take This Test To See If Most Americans Would Consider You To Be A ‘Religious Extremist’
I believe that all of you will pass the ‘Religious Extremist Test’ contained in this article.
Congratulations. A huge portion of American society want you dead.
WW3 Begins in Syria – News from the Wall – Discernment Over Deception | Watchmans Cry
This is actually a really good broadcast from Nathan Leal. I’m putting this HERE and in the Gog and Magog section.
The latter part of this broadcast is an excellent discussion about learning how to deal with deception. This speaks to me right now, because I have recently gone through a really painful process of dealing with someone who had deceived our church. We were required to deal with it, and it was horribly difficult – partly because most in our church did not understand what the problem was.
I now know what to look for, when another incident like this reoccurs. It was a valuable lesson, that I hope to never repeat.
So, this is another excellent broadcast by Nathan Leal.
How The Elite Use Technology To Control You – YouTube
I really believe that Patrick Wood has it right. All this time, when we were fighting this menace or that menace… the real menace was taking over.
Well, it’s here. Technocracy.
It’s also The Beast.
Four Payette students suspected in felony arson of principal’s house
THIS is a sign of the times, and I’m surprised that this doesn’t happen more often.
Expect it to happen more often.
Police appeal to lawmakers for future options on arming drones
I want ANY policeman to be fired, if they want armed drones.
In fact, I want that policeman to be investigated for anything else that they might have been doing. This is sick, and only a mentally ill policeman would want this.
GlaxoSmithKline fined less than $100,000 for killing 14 babies during vaccine trials
This is SO disgusting. Ouch.
How utterly ironic. The Left is for free speech, except when it comes to speech that might be a teeny tiny bit upsetting to… someone.
Oh dear… that might make someone have a bad day.
Excellent summary of what will come.
From the way the author writes, I believe that it does come from someone who really does speak from the knowledge that is gained from command rank. Generals are required to see the ‘big picture’ and this one clearly does.
Japan screwed up in their attempt at total war, by not invading Hawaii, and then Alaska. America’s enemies will not make the same mistake.
The general says to get south of the equator. I agree – or, at least the other side of the planet, like me.
America will not win this next war. Not by a long shot.
Walmart Introduces ‘666 Obamacare RFID Chip Machine’ – YouTube
I personally believe that the RFID is a ‘red herring’. RFID is no secure enough. It’s too easily ‘spoofed’, and the Antichrist is too far away in time for him to use this technology.
Furthermore, the government will try this technology, and fail. THAT failure will usher in the TRUE 666-Beast-Mark – or, at least another precurser to it.
The scary part is the first three minutes. This video is from 2013, and the videographer is showing that there is a machine in Walmart that reads your right hand, or your forehead.
North Korean leader wants nukes ready to fly
If the North Koreans believe even HALF of what they are saying to themselves… then an EMP attack upon the US is a certainty.
I do NOT understand why the United States isn’t shooting down every ‘satellite’ launch that those rats launch.
The U.S. just sent a carrier strike group to confront China
And THIS will encourage the Chinese to LET North Korea take down the United States.
Inside China’s Plan for a Military That Can Counter U.S. Muscle
And, China is serious about countering the American military, and American hegemony.
Scientific paper which says the human hand was designed by a ‘Creator’ sparks controversy
How can ANYONE look at how well designed we are and NOT see the signature of a fantastic Designer?
Ron Karren’s Blog – Life After Mormonism (exmormon)
A reader sent this to me, and it’s something that we need to be aware of and pray for.
Please pray for Ron and all who are in the same situation. I have heard and read many stories like this, and each one breaks my heart.
Hold God close, Ron. God will see you through, and we will be praying for you and with you.
LDS Utah Child Molestation Cover-Up – YouTube
This is the video that goes with the above. Ron only has one video recorded. There will be more.
North Korea Orders Nuclear Weapons Made Ready for Use! China Says “North Korea has signed its own Death Warrant”
This will need to be verified as accurate, but when China said that North Korea had “signed it’s own death warrant”, that means that North Korea is on its own – and cornered.
Here is a quote:
Editor: China _never_ says things like “Signed its own death warrant.” China is ALWAYS moderate in its Diplomatic tone, and always leaves a door open to compromise or face-saving, no matter who they are in difficulties with. For China to publicly use such language is no mistake. China doesn’t make mistakes like that. Ever. Folks, this is far more serious than the North Korean situation has ever been. China NEVER talks likes this, and for them to do so means HUGE trouble is coming.
Please be ready for an EMP. It might not happen, but I believe that it is clear that North Korea will go for everything – and will go down fighting.
Furthermore, I believe that God is about to judge America.
Kim Jong Un Orders Nuclear Weapons Made Ready For Use | Zero Hedge
Another view of the previous link.
This year will set us on course for the last of the Last Days. Whoever is chosen will set the stage for what comes after.
I’m afraid that we are staring ‘political armageddon’ in the face.
The Trump Assassination Danger Zone Begins In September
If they don’t assassinate ‘The Donald’, then you can bet that he’s in their pocket. No one gets to be President, unless they are willing to follow orders.
Kelleigh Nelson — Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz The Master of Lies
I AM NOT a supporter of Trump. But, the idea that he MIGHT be against the establishment, is VERY compelling to me. But, I trust Trump about as much as I trust any other snake.
But, Cruz… OUCH. And, some of the talk from his supporters is beyond bizarre.
I stopped listening to Beck a long time ago, and this is just another reason why YOU should stop, if you still listen to him.
Snowden Sums Up The Presidential Campaign With Just One Tweet
Unfortunately, Snowden is right:
2016: a choice between Donald Trump and Goldman Sachs
“Trump Must Be Stopped” Plead ‘The Economist’ And CFR As Financial Establishment Panics | Zero Hedge
Wow. If all THESE people hate Trump… he can’t be that bad.
In fact, it would be a tremendous honor to have these people hate little ol’ me.
Going Full Whig
Unfortunately, America is a country suffering so much despair, that they will grab a hold of ANYONE who offers even the briefest glimmers of hope. Unfortunately, that hope is a sham, and will shatter upon the rocks of reality.
Here’s a quote:
We took the collateral winnings of World War II and poured it into a suburban sprawl alt-universe so depressing that our citizens are the most over-medicated people in the world. That alone might help to explain how Hillary and Trump lumber inevitably toward their respective nominations. The cheering “folks” marshaled out in the Piggly Wiggly parking lots are so buzzed on Klonopin and Zoloft that they can’t tell how these two odious celebrities epitomize the very forces behind their pharmaceutically-masked despair.
Advice for Trump – Armstrong Economics
Unfortunately, most will not understand the wisdom the Martin Armstrong is offering here – which is why it will fail to be adopted by Trump, or anyone else.
Of course, the biggest reason why it would never be adopted is that the ‘fat cats’ would be put on a diet, and that would just never do.
It’s Not Just the GOP – The Democratic Party is Also Imploding
For the briefest moment in time, I was an excessively minor operative for the Republican Party in Indianapolis. I played my tiny little role, in my tiny little corner, trying to help a piece of scum become President. That piece of scum – George H.W. Bush – DID make it into the White House, and I was an idiot for helping.
We all do stupid stuff when we’re young. Young and stupid. That was me.
Anyway, both political parties in the US are dying. And, they deserve to die. I am looking forward to it.
Unfortunately, American voters are not known for their wisdom or intelligence, so their replacements will be worse.
Furthermore, this was all forcasted by Martin Armstrong, a long time ago.
I hope that everyone understands that very few of us will die of old age, or even natural causes.
“The GOP Is On The Verge Of A Meltdown”: Senior Republicans Threaten To Vote For Hillary
Nothing says ‘scum’ like the words ‘Senior Republican’. I have yet to meet a ‘Senior Republican’ who wasn’t a piece of garbage. The only way that you can become ‘Senior’ in the Republican – or Democrat – Party is to be psychopathically and morally deginerate.
The fact that the psychopaths running the Republican Party are siding with the psychopaths running the Democrat Party, is perfectly logical.
Folks, there is literally no one to vote for, except maybe Carson. Hillary is definitely a psychopath, and Trump looks like one too. The only thing that I can say about Trump is that he might be LESS of a psychopath than Hillary.
Remember that voting for the Lesser-of-two-evils is still voting for evil.
I left America, so I don’t need to worry about that choice. Absentee ballots are never counted. Never. So, voting doesn’t matter, and I like that, thankyouverymuch.
It’s 2008 All Over Again
Interesting points, although I would claim that our first ’emperor’ was Lyndon Johnson, put in place by the CIA – the praetorian guards of this age. No one gets to be President, unless the secret cabal within a secret cabal say so. Exceptions like Reagen get saddled with CIA people like Bush, Sr.
We do not have free elections, anymore.
All hail Imperator Americanus!
Reality Check: No Matter Who Wins the White House, the New Boss Will Be the Same as the Old Boss
This article will NOT make you want to say, “God bless America.”
We have cursed Him too long by our actions, and this is payback.
More reports are coming in from Virginia of written ballots already being filled out when given to voters. Is election fraud sweeping the nation?
I am so sorry.
If you thought that you had an accurate and honest election, you sadly mistaken.
The election process is being run by Satanists.
Did you think that an election process run by Satanists would be free and fair?
Why We’re Ungovernable, Part 13: The Unprotected Push Back
John Rubino is ALWAYS worth paying attention to.
In this case, he points out why Trump is winning.
It’s a New French Revolution, just like the Old French Revolution.
Kristol Lays Out Strategy to Give White House to Hillary: Trump ‘Shouldn’t Win’
These people are BEYOND vile.
And, it was everything that I saw in the Republican Party in Indiana. What a bunch of prostitutes. That’s right. Prostitutes. And, I mean that with ever fiber of my being. You cannot be a functionary in either party without being a complete and utter prostitute.
I saw it for myself, in the late ’80s and ’90s.
Ben Carson Super Tuesday results: No ‘political path’ to GOP nomination he can see
If there was hope for America… if God was going to withhold His judgment upon America… Ben Carson would have received the nomination, and then won the election.
I am so sorry. Judgment is coming.
And Then There Were 4 – Ben Carson Says “No Path Forward” In Presidential Bid
This was/is the only guy that I could have voted for with a reasonably clear conscience.
As for the rest?
They can take a flying leap. I won’t vote for ANY of them. And, the fact that my vote doesn’t count, just makes it easier.
Sanders, millennials find connection in democratic socialism
This is our future, everyone. These kids LIKE socialism.
How the internet flips elections and alters our thou…
This is the new mind control for a a new Beast System.
So, Larry Page and Sergey Brin – founders of Google – have the power to change what you think and how you feel. More importantly, they have that power with your neighbors.
Are you willing to bet that they won’t use that power?
Only a fool would believe that they wouldn’t use and abuse that power.
Donors ask GOP consulting firm to research independent presidential bid
Take a deep breath.
Smell that?
(I’ll wait until you stop coughing)
THAT is the smell of Republicans and Democrats. It’s the smell of decades old garbage that’s been rotting and putrifying in the dank underbelly of American Elitism. It’s the filth and excrement of the worst of the worst of America. I experienced that vile and rotten from THE INSIDE of the Republican Party in the late 80s and early 90s. And now, you get to experience it too!
Computer Programmer testifies “US ELECTIONS RIGGED”. – YouTube
This is an older video. I think from 2004 or 2005. He was testifying about an experience from 2000.
I have a programming background. I’ve never been professional, but I’ve learned several programming languages and have built a few programs. So, when this guy says that only a hunred lines of code would be all that was needed to rig an election…
There is almost no way that you could detect just a hundred lines of code inside one of those Deibold voting machines – and, you would need the ORIGINAL SOURCE CODE. And, you could never guarantee that you had the original.
The collapse that started in 2007 has yet to stop. Yes, it took a ‘breather’ for a couple years, and such pauses are wonderful. But, the financial world is in desperate need of a ‘clean out’, a ‘reset’.
That ‘reset’ is coming, and you do NOT want to be in the way of the calamity that is about to run over us.
U.S. Has Record 10th Straight Year Without 3% Growth in GDP
Unfortunately, some of those years the ‘Real GDP’ figures were faked.
World Trade Collapses Most Since Crisis
I was talking to a very good friend of mine, who is a ‘finance guy’. He believed that the fall in the Baltic Dry Index – aka, BDI – was due to so many new ships being delivered to shipping companies.
Well, this puts the kibosh on THAT idea. The only time that world trade has been THIS LOW, was 2009.
Now, tell me again how everything is fine.
How To Beat The Market Trading Just 30 Minutes Per Day
Just to give you an idea how distorted our financial system is, this is all that you needed to do to win big.
Increasing Price Inflation is Not a Sign of Healthy Recovery, but the Last Stage Before Recession
Okay, this goes into the nuts-and-bolts of finance and economy, so it might not be your kind of article to read. But, I find the analysis here to be very interesting.
The idea is that prices tend to go UP just before a Recession hits. And, those increases in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or the Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) will force the Fed to raise interest rates. We will need that rate rise to ‘weed out’ the idiots who are not operating efficiently.
And yes, this ‘survival of the fittest’ is vital, if you want your society to continue to operate. Companies that act foolishly need to be ‘weeded out’ so that smarter, harder working companies can survive and thrive. And, right now, we have a HUGE number of foolish companies (aka, IDIOTS) acting like a cancer on our society, and they need to be killed off. Unfortunately, these cancerous IDIOTS have become too big to fail, so they will be propped up – causing America to fail instead.
Isn’t finance wonderful?
Tom Dyson: This may have just triggered another Depression…
This is an excellent article about how Depressions start.
We don’t see them start in real-time. We need to dig through the records after the fact to see how they began. When Creditanstalt collapsed in 1931, it set off a series of financial dominoes that took down the global financial system. And, Austria wasn’t at the center of global finance, by any stretch of the imagination.
Well, it looks like China might have had a ‘Creditanstalt Moment’. We’ll see.
I was wondering when someone would mention Creditanstalt.
Good article.
The Peninsula Qatar – Bank holiday on March 6
Um… this could be BAD.
Bank holidays are never good, and a bank holiday in Qatar means trouble for the Gulf Arabs. BAD trouble.
For those of you who are puzzled by a bank holiday on SUNDAY, you need to understand that the Middle East breaks for Friday Prayers on… Friday. And, Saturday is the next logical day for the weekend. And, since Sunday is for Christians… no one takes Sunday off.
Earnings ‘Optimism’ Crashes To 7-Year Lows | Zero Hedge
I dearly wish that I could tell you that there are other assets that could help you survive what is coming.
If you have bought food and a secure access to drinkable water… if you have a secure place to live within a community of solid Christians… if you have invested your life in serving God…
Then, buy as much silver and gold as you can.
This Is The Best Year For Gold Since The Hunt Brothers
Of course, we’ll need to get to the END of this year to be able to say that 2016 really was the best year for gold, since the Hunt Brothers. But, gold really does look like it will do very, very well this year.
The Global Run On Physical Cash Has Begun: Why It Pays To Panic First
I know that it seems strange to put something like this article in the Gold and Silver category, but think about it for a minute.
Gold is a form of currency, just like cash, and there isn’t enough cash in the world… when it all falls apart…
So yes, get your cash out of the bank before everyone else does. Just don’t forget the shiny stuff.
Six Reasons To Buy Gold In 2016
I bought gold a few years ago, and it’s still not back to where I bought it, although I’m not sure. That ‘not sure’ should tell you how much I care about ‘making money’ – as in, I don’t. And no, I do NOT have a lot of money.
You buy gold as insurance.
You do NOT buy it as an investment. Investments are for producing value, and gold produces nothing. All that gold does is store what you put into it.
The rest of the world is falling apart. The Bible said that it would, and so it is.
Please invest in God first. Then, do everything that God tells you to do. If there is ANYTHING left over, buy some gold.
But, um… don’t wait too long.
“Gold to Double, Silver Triple in 2016” – Will Bo be Right Again? – Bo Polny Feb 24 Interview – YouTube
Bo Polny is saying that gold will double – sooner rather than later. He said that Silver might even QUADRUPLE.
The other thing that he said is that the stock market will fall by 50%. OUCH.
As I’ve been saying, I bought my gold and silver. I will be glad to see it double for myself. But, I will be very unhappy to see everyone else suffer. Please, do what you can to protect yourself.
Global Central Banks Continue Longest Gold-Buying-Spree Since Vietnam War
Hmmmm… this bodes VERY well for the future of gold.
Gold Enters Bull Market | Zero Hedge
Got gold?
In the choice between laughing and crying, I prefer to laugh.
Unfortunately, we often do not have such a choice. So, take this moment to at least have a chuckle.
Saudi TV Channel Parody Lampoons Hizbullah’s Leader Nasrallah, Sparks Anger among Supporters
Who knew that Saudi TV had a sense of humor?
I actually CHUCKLED!
I might have even let out a tiny guffaw!
EPIC FAIL: MSNBC Host’s Attempt To Smear Trump Supporters As Racist Backfires Hilariously
Oh dear, that was funny. That really was an EPIC FAIL.
When you do live TV, sometimes the truth comes out and you get egg on your face.
The 2016 Presidential Vote Decision (Explained In 1 Cartoon)
All religions that do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as God, who came in the flesh and died for our sins… those religions that do not acknowledge that, are of Satan. And, there are even religions that SPECIFICALLY worship Satan, or at least worship Satan under the name of Lucifer.
But, ISLAM is a special kind of Satanism. Of all the religions created by Satan, it has been the most successful and the most violent. And, the darkness at the heart of Islam seeks the death and destruction of all that you hold dear.
Every man in Iranian village ‘executed on drugs charges’
THAT is Islamic justice in action. OUCH.
‘Stone women! Kill apostates!’ Denmark’s pro-ISIS mosque in new controversy
Hey! It’s the religion of pieces.
It looks like they’re gonna ‘Allahu Akbar’ some people.
Why do Muslims keep calling their god an akbar? (Hebrew for mouse)
Allah is a mouse? Really?
Bombed, Burned, and Urinated On: Churches Under Islam
THIS is Islam. What a sick and depraved ideology.
It is Satan’s masterpiece.
Still Report #671 – Why “Peaceful Muslims” are Irrelevant! – YouTube
Bill Still uses a clip from Brigitte Gabriel who is a wonderful woman and FIREBALL. I would hate to have her mad at me.
Anyway, this really is one of the absolutely best clips answering the point. It’s from a couple years ago, but it’s just as powerful now.
Five Short Stories: The Terror of Being a Christian in Pakistan
May the Lord God help these poor people. I am so sorry.
Please, everyone, pray for these people, and do what you can for them.
Oxford Declares Islam NOT A Religion Of Peace – Anne Marie Waters – YouTube
Oxford actually did this? Wow.
They actually got a bit of temporary respect from me.
Boston Police Commissioner William Evans: “We’re All Muslims Deep Down”
Okay, so now I understand why so many police officers are behaving like thugs. Deep down, they’re all Muslim.
Anyway, lots of quotes from the Qur’an. Lots.
Our Lord and Savior specifically warned us that this would come. And, the links below specifically show us that His words are being fulfilled before our very eyes.
And, as bad as it is now, how bad do you think that it will get, when financial collapse begins to hit hardest?
I shudder to think of that.
Warning Goes Out: System Break Down In 10 Days – How Long Will It Be Until The Same Thing Happens Here?
I really do not know how much more of this that Europe can take. The EU is already under HUGE stress, and that stress is only going to get worse.
But, this wave of migrants could turn into a ‘wrecking ball’.
The Big Wobble : Migrant horror stories from Europe: No wonder ISIS is losing ground in Syria and Iraq, they are all coming over here!
WAH! Ain’t THAT tha truth!
Dead Piglet Inscribed With “Mother Merkel” Found At German Mosque
The title is enough.
We’re going to see a lot more ‘bacon wrapped’ mosques this year. And much worse.
GERMANY has already had 217 attacks on Muslim illegal alien centers since Jan. 1st
So, the ethnos against ethnos violence is picking up steam. In just two months, 217 attacks on ‘migrant housing’ – in Germany alone. This is a big escalation, and the German government is NOT reacting in the right way. Blaming the people for their outrage is only going to make that outrage WORSE.
Clash Of The Gods: It’s Odin Versus Allah In Norway Where Social Upheaval Looms Large
Great. Odin versus Allah. Satan vs. Satan.
I guess that it’s a case of ‘May the best Satanist win’. OUCH.
BREAKING: UNPRECEDENTED migrant violence on Greece border! EU collapsing! Turkey demanding more giveaways!
This is a compilation of articles about the growing threat to the EU that this growing wave of migrants poses.
Having said that, my favorite part of the article was the video showing the B-17 startup sequence. I’m not sure why IWB put that in there, but I immediately thought of the vast number of boys that flew those bombers and lost their lives. The B-17 was an awesome bomber, and the courage it took to fly those missions – when so few came back…
Burning down the Jungle: Makeshift Calais camp is torched by migrants following a day of violence by refugees protesting the decision to raze their homes
The thugs in this place need to be arrested and then deported. I just do not understand why France tolerates this. I really don’t.
60 Minutes’ Liz Hayes attacked by ‘masked men’ while covering refugee crisis in Sweden
This is an example of how Islam makes you insane.
The LAST people that you want to physically attack is a television crew while they are still filming.
How could ANYONE be so STUPID?
Well, only truly insane people could be THAT stupid.
Judge Under Police Protection After Outrage Over Lenient Sentence Given To Rapist Migrant
Here’s a quote:
Emotions are running high in Austria after a migrant who raped a 72 year old woman was given what some considered to be an unduly short sentence for the crime, and now the judge presiding over the case has had to take police protection.
The question is how much more of this will the Austrians take before they resort to open violence against Muslims.
This is going to be bad, folks.
“MERKEL MUST GO!” – German people receives Chancellor with Booing and loud Protest
I’m not used to seeing Germans act like this. People in Germany must be really upset.
Sweden’s Migration Industry
Here’s the summary:
That Sweden is a “humanitarian superpower” is a myth that needs exposing once and for all. The recent migration wave to Sweden has made some people poor and others very, very rich. It is all about money, and it is about winners and losers.
If liberal journalists outside Sweden believe that rape is humanitarian, then Sweden has a humanitarian migration policy.
Meanwhile, thousands of “unaccompanied refugee children” are disappearing. and no one knows where they are.
There is nothing “noble” in Sweden’s migration policy — far from being a good example of how a migration policy should function, it is a disaster, and its final result is chaos, conflict, and corruption.
I bet that you could find the same corruption at work in the US.
Congratulations, Amerika. You get to be the new Sweden.
Won’t that be lovely?
Special report: Inside Muslim majority neighborhoods of Malmo, Sweden – YouTube
Whoa. THIS was a special report. Ezra Levant did an exceptional job of showing what is happening. If you are interested in what is going on, you will need to see this.
It’s even good to listen to, even if you AREN’T interested in the topic. He really does a great job here.
There Are Vipers In Our Midst – Viral Video Ignored By MSM Shows Why America Is About To Get Bitten
Yes, indeed. There ARE vipers in our midst. When people wake up to that – and they are – they will fulfill Matthew 24:7.
EU MUSLIM INVASION TIMEBOMB: Europe braces for unlimited flood of Muslims as Turkey gets visa-free status
This is just insane. These Europeans have lost their minds.
It’s as if their current disaster wasn’t enough. They needed to have MORE of it.
Foreign Policy Diary – Dutch EU-Ukraine Association Agreement Referendum – YouTube
AND, they’re going to add UKRAINIANS to this mix!
Let’s see… who else should they add… hmmm…. I KNOW!
Let’s dump all of Africa into the EU!
(Oh, wait… they’re doing that already.)
The coming of Gog is on the horizon. Gog isn’t ready to come just yet, and there are certain events that must occur first. But, Gog IS coming, and you need to be ready when that vast juggernaut arrives.
Why do you need to be ready?
Because God will rain down fire upon Gog and the rest of the world. That fire – what I call Ezekiel’s Fire – will change EVERYTHING and could kill a billion people. And, I do not want you to be one of those who died. Read more about Ezekiel’s Fire, here:
The following links speak to the coming of Gog. They show the laying of the foundation of that great and massive invasion.
T-90 proves its survivability in Syria
This is bad news for NATO, the US and anyone else who opposes Russia.
I’ve worked with a lot of Russians, and they are extremely smart and practical. And, it looks like they’ve put that intelligence and practicality to good use.
International Military Review – Syria, Feb. 26, 2016 (Arab, Ger Subs) – YouTube
As you can see from the title, it’s from Feb 26th. These videos from ‘South Front’ are interesting, because they show how this war is being fought, and by who.
This video is of special significance because it outlines the absolute hypocrisy of Turkey, and Amerika’s alliance with that awful government. Everyone is ignoring Turkey’s involvement, just as they ignored the murder of more than a million Armenian Christians a hundred years ago.
Turkey never paid for her crimes of a century ago, but I think that the bill is about to come due – with interest.
Russia Defense Report – Feb. 27, 2016: Russian Military Advisers in Syria – YouTube
A VERY interesting and important report. It gives you an idea of how badly Syria was losing the war, and how vital Russian support was to turning the tide of this conflict. It also shows the importance of support units attaining victory on the battlefield.
Israel has demonstrated that superior training and morale will always defeat a superior force that is poorly trained with lower morale.
Turkey and the Gulf Arabs could still win this war, but it just got a lot harder for them.
Germany’s Ultimatum to Turkey
I would have normally put this article in the ‘MATTHEW 24:7’ category, except that I think that Europe has woken up to what Turkey is trying to do, and is responding.
Turkey has been hoping for support from NATO in their fight with Iran, Syria and Russia, but I don’t think that they’re going to get it. And, Europe will do nothing with Turkey descends into civil war and splits apart.
All that I can say is that they were asking for it.
US Missile Just Took Out Dozens Of Russian Generals – YouTube
I don’t know what to make of this. I’m not real clear about who Dr. William Mount is. But, it IS an interesting video that provides some interesting and unsettling information.
Is China the Red Dragon with Seven Heads and Ten Horns?
I’ve never thought so, but the question has been in the back of my mind for a while.
Did Dr. Mount speak directly, face-to-face, with Putin? Did Putin ignore what was said? Is the god of Dr. Mount OUR God? (He quotes the Bible, so I assume so. But, I’ve become cautious.)
Well, I leave it to you to be the judge. I will certainly be thinking about what was said here.
The Russia-Armenia alliance is threatening Turkey, a critical U.S. ally
This is a VERY BIG DEAL. Russia is getting ready for war with Turkey. And, Turkey is going to collapse in upon itself.