Saturday 5 September 2020


Posted: 04 Sep 2020 03:41 PM PDT

It is being reported that the UAE and Israel are trying to bring about the signing of the UAE “Abraham Accords” in Washington, DC by Rosh Hashanah—September 18, 2020. 
“This [normalisation] agreement is expected to be signed in the month of September in the city of Washington,” Akunis said.  
“That is meant to be one of the outcomes of the talks in the next 24 hours in the Emirates — setting a date for the signing.”  
Akunis added that the Netanyahu government hopes the ceremony will take place “before our Rosh Hashanah” or Jewish new year, which is on September 18.  
Now here is the important part; this peace deal is being heralded as an important step toward the creation of a Palestinian state in accordance with the 1967 borders—not good. 
Look, I am all for peace, but not at all costs. Attempting to divide the land of Israel has brought judgment in the past and I believe it will in the future. See the posts; The Israeli Palestinian Map of DeathHurricane Laura, Israel, and the Palestinian State. 
I believe any process that pursues the “dividing the land” initiative will be met with judgments falling upon the parties involved. And for this peace deal to be brokered by the USA and signed in Washington DC is sure to put a target on that city. 
Also consider that Iran is a bitter enemy of Israel, the UAE, and the USA, thus it would not surprise me to see them try something major to sabotage the peace deal. 
Again, I am all for peace but it has to be done the right way and dividing the land of Israel is not the right way to go about this. 
It is interesting to note that this fall has been identified as a major watch time for judgments to fall. Here are a few posts along those lines. 
Here is an interesting sync; 
A Vancouver, British Columbia, group calling themselves the Adbusters recently placed an ad in social media calling upon "tens of thousands of our fellow citizens [to] lay siege to the White House" on September 17, 2020 (The White House Siege--Tactical Briefing #1). The siege is slated to last fifty days, ending election day, Nov. 3.  
The flyer begins, "All right, all you activists" and specifically names #MeToo, #BLM, #ExtinctionRebellion and invites all anti-Trump protestors. "We want to ... spark a revolution with you." "Are you ready for revolution? We are too." "We will lay siege to the White House. And we will sustain it for exactly fifty days." 
I wonder how that will play out? And then there is this sync; our next Nibiru earthquake watch period runs from 9/6/20 to 9/26/20. 
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36

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