Friday 14 October 2016


Will Any Believers Be Left Behind? - By Jonathan Brentner -

I was terrified! Had they left without me? As I frantically searched for my mom and dad, that question kept popping into my mind. Maybe they thought I was with my older sister. Maybe each thought I was with the other. Where were they? I had just looked away for a moment and now they were gone! Not only was I two thousand miles from home, I was alone in Chinatown of all places. We were visiting my sister who lived in southern California and had spent the day sightseeing before ending up in Chinatown for supper and to do some shopping.
After what seemed to be a very long time, although it was perhaps only a minute or two at the most, I finally located my mom and rushed to her side. Somehow, in all my panic, I knew my parents would never leave their second-grader behind in such a strange place. And yet, I am hearing of more and more Christians who believe the Lord could possibly leave them behind when He comes for His church. Theologians refer to this as the partial rapture theory, which teaches that only those who are watching for the Lord's return or are ready for it will go to heaven when He comes for His church.
Will Jesus leave any believer behind when He comes for His church? No, He will no more leave any of us behind than a loving parent would leave his or her child behind in a store or anywhere else. Let me explain why I am so sure of this.

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