Monday 11 June 2018

As Pride Month Progresses, LGBTQ Bullies Force Pusillanimous Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey To Apologize For Eating At Chick-Fil-A

New post on Now The End Begins

As Pride Month Progresses, LGBTQ Bullies Force Pusillanimous Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey To Apologize For Eating At Chick-Fil-A

by Geoffrey Grider


Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on Sunday came under fire for tweeting about spending money at a Chick-fil-A restaurant in Los Angeles over the owner’s views on gay marriage.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Just imagine for a moment that you are the CEO of one of the world's most valuable social media companies, Twitter, with untold millions in your ever-expanding bank account. Now imagine that you stop for lunch to have America's best chicken sandwich, Chick-fil-a. You enjoy a delish chicken sandwich, and even save money while doing it. You're so excited that you tweet about it. Then, because it's LGBTQ Pride Month, the LGBTQ bullies demand you now "apologize for eating at Chick-fil-a" because it's a Christian company that stands for Biblical beliefs. So what do you, super rich and powerful Twitter man, decide to do? Why you cave in to the LGBTQ bullies, of course, and immedialty apologize for eating at Chick-fil-a, that's what you do. Pathetic and disgusting. Chick-fil-a doesn't discriminate against anyone, and employs thousands of LGBTQ workers. You didn't apologize because you were wrong for eating there, you apologized because you're a coward who gave in to mob justice. Time to put a skirt on the bird, Jack, and maybe even start wearing one yourself. 
Jack Dorsey tweeted a screenshot of his purchases and savings made by using the fast-food restaurant’s mobile app, prompting a backlash from LGBTQ community and the media.
The fast-food chain has been criticized over CEO Dan Cathy's views concerning gay marriage. In 2012, he came out in defense of the traditional definition of marriage and expressed views critical of gay marriage stemming from his Christian faith.
  • “This is an interesting company to boost during Pride month, Jack,” wrote former CNN anchor Soledad O’Brien, who pointed out that June is dedicated to celebrating LGBT community.
  • Others quickly joined in condemning Dorsey, with one saying “On behalf of the whole LGBTQ community, Jack, kindly boost your head out of your a--.”
  • “Please delete this or follow up with how much free advertising you're going to give GLAAD,” wrote another user, referring to the LGBTQ organization.
Dorsey issued an apology for the purchase at the restaurant, telling O’Brien: “You’re right. Completely forgot about their background.”
But the latest remark sparked another round of backlash, this time from more conservative social media users, who questioned what the CEO of Twitter meant by “their background.”
You’re right. Completely forgot about their background
— jack (@jack) June 10, 2018
  • “’Background’ meaning they employ 41,000 people, many of whom are the most pleasant fast food employees in the country, serve delicious food at good prices, and at amazing speed? That background?” wrote journalist Jeryl Bier.
  • “You mean their late CEO being a Christian? Apparently that is something bad/terrible, having faith, running a decent business, never discriminated against anyone, for the ‘tolerance, acceptance, and inclusivity’ crowd,” wrote another user. source

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