Thursday 14 March 2019

Were Today’s Massive Outages On Facebook And Google Part Of A Psychological End Times Experiment To See How People Would React?

New post on Now The End Begins

Were Today’s Massive Outages On Facebook And Google Part Of A Psychological End Times Experiment To See How People Would React?

by Geoffrey Grider


Then, at noon here in California, a Facebook spokesman denied one possible explanation: that the Silicon Valley giant, and Google before it, were being subject to a massive denial-of-service attack.

Today as nearly all the main social networks collapsed, I couldn't shake the creepy feeling that whatever or whoever was behind the outages was paying close attention to how people were reacting to it, and recording it all in some massive data storehouse. This certainly wouldn't be the first time that Facebook has used their massive platform to conduct psychological experimentation, now would it? The were caught back is 2012 conducting secret tests on over 700,000 users, then they did it again in 2014. We also know that Facebook routinely manipulates their data just to see how it will affect people.
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Philippians 4:8 (KJV)
On my own Facebook page, I saw hundreds of posts from people who grew increasingly more confused and angry at being unable to effectively use the platform. People seemed lost, unsure of what to do, with many in a near panic state. It was truly odd watching things melt down, and the more I thought on it, the more it frightened me. One thing is for sure, people are in a whole lot deeper than they thought they were.
Maybe it wasn't until this very moment that I truly realized how addicted and dependent we have all become on this matrix of social media. The world wide web has really caught us, hasn't it?As human beings, we are supposed to love people and use things, but that is rapidly being turned into loving things and using people. Where is all this leading us?
More and more, it feels like this is all one big end times mind control and programming experiment, and that we, all of us, are the rats in the wheel. Today was a wakeup call for me. I am going to be reducing my social footprint and begin to pull away from being connected this deeply, and have already started taking accounts down. I will stay just connected enough to continue writing these articles that warn the lost and keep the body of Christ informed.
Today I watched as  the Matrix exposed a glitch, and in doing so exposed itself. There is a very important video at the bottom of this article, and I urge you all to take a few minutes to watch it. It's time to start unplugging, and get busy about our Father's business while time remains.

What today linked Gmail, Google Drive, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram – apart from being run by monopolistic personal data harvesters?

FROM THE REGISTER UK: On Wednesday morning, around 0800 Pacific Time (1500 UTC), Google said it was "investigating reports of an issue with Gmail" in which some users were seeing error messages, and the webmail platform was running very slowly. Netizens were, at the time, already loudly protesting about the knackered service on social media.
Viewers of Google-owned YouTube reported similar slowdowns, and Google Drive users also had serious problems, pointing to a potential larger issue within the organisation's data centers and connectivity links.
We’re aware that some people are currently having trouble accessing the Facebook family of apps. We’re working to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
— Facebook (@facebook) March 13, 2019
At 0945 PT, Google acknowledged the Drive outage, and admitted Gmail was still experiencing problems, especially with attaching or accessing files. By 1100 PT, however, the Chocolate Factory claimed the hiccups were resolved; your mileage may vary.
"We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience and continued support. Please rest assured that system reliability is a top priority at Google, and we are making continuous improvements to make our systems better," the web ads giant said in a statement.
Soon after, folks started reporting that Facebook was also taking the day off, leaving people unable to access it, suggesting all was not well at Menlo Park. The antisocial network's other properties, such as Messenger, WhatsApp, Oculus, and Instagram, were also suffering outages, according to netizens.
"Account Temporarily Unavailable," was a message that some Facebook users from across the globe discovered on checking their pages. "Your account is currently unavailable due to a site issue. We expect this to be resolved shortly. Please try again in a few minutes."
Facebook confirmed its systems were unwell and falling offline for unlucky folks around the world. "We're aware that some people are currently having trouble accessing the Facebook family of apps. We're working to resolve the issue as soon as possible," it said.
Then, at noon here in California, a Facebook spokesman denied one possible explanation: that the Silicon Valley giant, and Google before it, were being subject to a massive denial-of-service attack. READ MORE

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