In this mailing:
- Raymond Ibrahim: Turkey: Arming Genocide of Christians in Nigeria?
- Amir Taheri: In Middle East: Pull Down Facades
by Raymond Ibrahim • November 3, 2019 at 5:00 am
The gist of their brief conversation in Turkish, according to the Arabic transcript, is that weapons were being transferred from Turkey to Nigeria — and that there was a concern that the weapons might kill not just Christians but Muslims.
According to [Egyptian TenTV host Nasha't] al-Deyhi, this is proof positive that Turkey is the one supplying Boko Haram with its weapons — including sophisticated weapons — the source of which has long puzzled observers.
It appears that Erdogan's sponsorship of terrorism may not be limited to neighboring Middle Eastern nations; it may have reached deep into Africa. A serious investigation with possible sanctions is in order.

Has Turkey used its national airline for weapons shipments to Nigeria? (Image source: Raimond Spekking / CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons)
Concerning Turkey's increasingly suspect role in supporting jihadists — most recently, ISIS's slain leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was found hiding in Syria's "last refuge" for jihadi rebels, just three miles from Turkey's border — one of the least mentioned is Turkey's apparent alliance with the "other" ISIS, that in Nigeria, Boko Haram.
On a recent episode of bi'l waraqa wa'l qalam ("With Paper and Pen"), an Egyptian news program that airs on TenTV, its host, Nasha't al-Deyhi, said:
Leaked information confirms that Turkey is a terrorist state; it supports terrorists — including with weapons. It supports terrorists with weapons. This time, however, not in Syria ... Today's leak confirms without doubt that Erdogan, his state, his government, and his party are transferring weapons from Turkey to — this is a shock, to where you may ask — to Nigeria; and to whom? — to the Boko Haram organization.
by Amir Taheri • November 3, 2019 at 4:00 am
The state-controlled media in Tehran are advising the "authorities" in Beirut and Baghdad to crush the popular uprisings "by all means necessary". One of Tehran's Iraqi propagandists even advised Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi "to kill leaders of sedition (fitna)" who had gathered in a restaurant in Baghdad.
In building their empire, the mullahs made a big mistake: they prevented the emergence of genuine local authorities, including national armies that could hold things together in a semi-autonomous way.
The Houthis, the Assad clan, Hezbollah, PMF and kindred groups are puppets in a surrealistic show scripted by faceless puppet-masters in Tehran. That they, in turn, hide behind secondary puppets, playing president and/or prime minister, makes for an even more absurd flight into fantasyland. Just over 1,000 years ago, Nizam al-Mulk noted that what appears legal is not necessarily legitimate and that being in office but not in power produces the worst kind of tyranny.

The state-controlled media in Tehran are advising the "authorities" in Beirut and Baghdad to crush the popular uprisings "by all means necessary". The daily Kayhan, believed to reflect "Supreme Guide" Ali Khamenei's views, called for "strong action" against protesters in Lebanon days before units of street-fighters from Hezbollah and Amal attacked the protesters' base in Beirut. Pictured: Protesters in Beirut on October 30, 2019. (Photo by Sam Tarling/Getty Images)
For the past two weeks or so, the state-controlled media in Tehran have been wondering how to cope with news of popular uprisings in Lebanon and Iraq.
In the first phase, the official line was that the protests reflected anger at poor economic performance and defective public services. The narrative echoed media coverage of last year's popular protests in Iran itself. It was inconceivable that "the people", always an abstraction, might not appreciate the blessings of the system, let alone revolt against it.
In the second phase, the protests were portrayed as indicative of the failure of the authorities to respond to popular grievances. In the third and current phase, the uprising was depicted as the result of sinister plots by "enemies of Islam", including the usual "Zionist" suspects and "agents of the American Great Satan."
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