Thursday, 26 December 2019

German Parliament: Its Resolution to Ban Hezbollah is Just a Legal Charade - Part II

In this mailing:
  • Soeren Kern: German Parliament: Its Resolution to Ban Hezbollah is Just a Legal Charade - Part II
  • Grégoire Canlorbe: A New French Leader: Joachim Son-Forget
  • Can Taking Cannabis Damage Your Brain?

German Parliament: Its Resolution to Ban Hezbollah is Just a Legal Charade - Part II

by Soeren Kern  •  December 26, 2019 at 5:00 am
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  • Gatestone Institute wholeheartedly supports U.S. President Donald J. Trump's efforts to ban Hezbollah in Europe. The Bundestag resolution, however, calls for an incomplete ban, which appears aimed at providing the German government with political cover that would allow Berlin to claim that it has banned the group even if it has not.
  • It is utterly implausible that Germany, one of the wealthiest and most technologically advanced countries in Europe, is unable to ascertain the organizational structure of Hezbollah within its own borders.
  • "Six months ago, the AfD presented a resolution in the Bundestag to ban Hezbollah, a resolution which you vehemently rejected and which since then you have blocked in caucus.... What is needed is the complete ban of Hezbollah. Hezbollah's propaganda and terror financing in Germany must be stopped... This, by the way, is also demanded by the Bundestag's Anti-Semitism Resolution, which expressly calls for the deportation of supporters of anti-Semitism. If this does not apply to supporters of Hezbollah, which wants to send Jews to the gas chambers, and wants to destroy Israel, then to whom could this apply?" — Beatrix von Storch MP, Alternative für Deutschland [AfD] party, to the Bundestag, December 19, 2019.
  • Von Storch noted that the Bundestag's resolution, if implemented by the German government, would allow Hezbollah's 30-plus German-based mosques and cultural centers — where the group raises funds and spreads anti-Israel propaganda — to continue to operate. Moreover, not one of the 1,050 known Hezbollah operatives now in Germany would be deported.
German member of parliament Beatrix Von Storch noted that the resolution, if implemented by the German government, would allow Hezbollah's 30-plus German-based mosques and cultural centers — where the group raises funds and spreads anti-Israel propaganda — to continue to operate. Moreover, not one of the 1,050 known Hezbollah operatives now in Germany would be deported. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
Gatestone Institute recently reported that a December 19 German parliamentary resolution, which claims to call for a complete ban in Germany of Hezbollah (Arabic for "The Party of Allah"), actually falls short of demanding a comprehensive ban of the terrorist organization. A senior US government official called the article "flat wrong". It would have been nice if had been.
Gatestone Institute wholeheartedly supports U.S. President Donald J. Trump's efforts to ban Hezbollah in Europe. The Bundestag resolution, however, calls for an incomplete ban, which appears aimed at providing the German government with political cover that would allow Berlin to claim that it has banned the group even if it has not.

A New French Leader: Joachim Son-Forget

by Grégoire Canlorbe  •  December 26, 2019 at 4:30 am
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  • What shocks the elites of Paris or Brussels about President Trump is that he actually embodies real governance, which is totally inadequate in their mode of operation.
  • Clandestinely, North Korea is at the forefront of computing, which allows it to siphon significant funds through the blockchain [bitcoin].
  • Kim Jong-un has no interest in denuclearization. His program is total and irreversible, not to mention verifiable.... He has promised that its effect... will change the "strategic status" of North Korea... Why would his regime comply with adopting a position of weakness?
Joachim Marie Son-Forget. (Image source: Rama/Wikimedia Commons)
Joachim Marie Son-Forget, a French politician born in South Korea, since 2017 has been a member of the French National Assembly (lower house of the French Parliament) representing French residents overseas. Formerly active in the Socialist Party and later La République En Marche!, he resigned in late 2018 to start his own political party, Valeur Absolue.
Grégoire Canlorbe: How do you react to the EU's attitude: hostile to Trump but friendly towards the mullahs of Iran?

Can Taking Cannabis Damage Your Brain?

December 26, 2019 at 4:00 am
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(Image source: iStock)
Gatestone Institute will be examining the effects of legalized marijuana in 2020. Details to come....

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