A parade of establishment Democrats began coalescing around Joe Biden on Monday, an attempt to bolster the former vice president and stall Sen. Bernie Sanders' ascent as voters in 14 states prepared to cast ballots Tuesday, the most consequential day of the presidential nominating contest.
The Democratic Party is in absolute freefall, with the establishment machine coalescing around their 'great white hope' Creepy Joe Biden that he can somehow stop the forward march (
pun intended) of Comrade Bernie Sanders in fulfilling his dream of creating an American National Socialist Workers state. Shock-waves have been rippling through the Twitterverse over the past 24-hours as the verified trio of losers - Gay Mayor
Pete Buttigieg, the perpetually-bland
Amy Klobuchar, and
Beto "Nacho President" O'Rourke - have all joined Team Biden.
What this really is, is a best-case scenario for Donald Trump, setting the stage for a MAGA 2020 landslide that at this point seems unstoppable. The only thing that can make it better would be a brokered Democratic Convention, with the entire country watching the Democrats tearing each other to pieces while Trump smiles silently in the background.
SUPER TUESDAY FUN FACT: The top two Democratic contenders, Biden and Sanders, are 77 and 78 respectively, and both considerably older than Donald Trump. And one of them, Comrade Sanders, has already
had a heart attack. Remember when the Democrats used to to say that they were the 'party of diversity', and railed against the politics of '
old, white men'?
Democrats embrace Creepy Joe Biden as Comrade Sanders hopes for big Super Tuesday delegate haul
FROM THE STANFORD ADVOCATE: On a day with cascading developments that rapidly recast the presidential race, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., dropped out and made plans to join Biden at his rally in Dallas on Monday night. In a visual symbol of Biden's attempts to consolidate the moderates in the party, former South Bend, Indiana, mayor Pete Buttigieg — who dropped out Sunday night, and who had an intensely cold relationship with Klobuchar — also scrambled to get to Dallas and endorse Biden.
It was the second straight day that moderates, previously paralyzed over whom to endorse, rushed to join Biden's campaign. Harry Reid, a former Senate majority leader from Nevada, endorsed Biden along with other Democrats including Susan Rice, the former national security adviser to President Barack Obama; political activist and actress Alyssa Milano; Victoria Reggie Kennedy, the widow of Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass.; and Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill.
There are still looming questions about Biden — his propensity for gaffes, the moments when he searches for words or, on Monday, his struggle to come up with well-worn phrases in the Declaration of Independence before shouting, "You know . . . the thing!" — but his campaign has found unmistakable new momentum it is hoping to carry into the elections Tuesday.

Not everyone was playing to his benefit, however. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and former New York mayor Mike Bloomberg both vowed Monday to stay in the race.
"I'm in it to win it," Bloomberg said. He has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into the primary contest and will appear on ballots for the first time Tuesday.
Warren's current plan is to remain an active candidate all the way to the convention, even if she is not accumulating significant numbers of delegates. She believes that will give her some leverage over the party's platform and any other issues that might be at the forefront in Milwaukee.
She continued her refrain Monday that her operation is built "for the long haul," and she received an endorsement from Emily's List, which works to elect women in politics.
Sanders remains perhaps the most formidable force in the race, finishing in the top two in all four early states and holding a polling advantage in numerous delegate-rich states that will vote Tuesday. He also has a significant financial edge and a grass-roots army that Biden so far has lacked, and he was defiant Monday in the face of the moderate consolidation.
"Look, we are taking on the establishment. And I fully understand — no great surprise to me — that establishment politicians are not going to endorse us," Sanders told reporters in Salt Lake City, just minutes before news broke that Klobuchar was ending her campaign and planning to support Biden. "The establishment will rally around the establishment candidate," he said. "That's the simple reality."
President Donald Trump, who has repeatedly tried to offer sideline commentary about the Democratic contest, tweeted with glee: "They are staging a coup against Bernie!"
As he left the White House for a rally in North Carolina, he speculated, without evidence, that Biden was offering positions in his administration in return for his primary rivals dropping out and endorsing him.
"That's called a quid pro quo, right? Quid. Pro. Quo," Trump said, using a phrase describing the accusations he faced during the impeachment inquiry. (Two of Trump's initial Cabinet members, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson and former Energy secretary Rick Perry, ran against the president in 2016 and endorsed him after leaving the race.)
What began a year ago as a historically large and diverse Democratic field has quickly narrowed to five remaining contenders. With the two youngest major candidates dropping out, all of the major remaining candidates are septuagenarians.
Joe Biden Continues His Gaffe-Prone Campaign
Joe Biden's moderate rivals drop out after his landslide win in South Carolina's 2020 Democratic primary, and the former vice president gaffes it up during his victory lap.
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