Monday, 13 April 2020

7 Things About The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ From The Dead That Will Absolutely Change The Way You Think About Death

New post on Now The End Begins

7 Things About The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ From The Dead That Will Absolutely Change The Way You Think About Death

by Geoffrey Grider

Go visit the graves of Buddha, Mohammed, Joseph Smith and all the others, their bones are still with us. You will search the empty tomb in vain for Jesus of Nazareth, He is not here, He is risen from the dead!

There is one common bond that every human being has regardless of race, creed, color or national origin, we will all die one day. With the only exceptions being Enoch never died, Elijah never died, and when the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church takes place, the born again souls in that number, hopefully you and I, will never die either. But outside of that, everyone dies. Fortunately for us who are saved, we have a Saviour who rose from the dead by His own power, and that's how we will rise one day as well. Because He lives, we will live also.
"And he saith unto them, Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen; he is not here: behold the place where they laid him." Mark 16:7 (KJB)
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are opening our King James Bible to take a deep-dive into the events surrounding the resurrection of Jesus from the dead by His own power, a feat never accomplished before or since. This event has been appropriated by various religions and cults around the world, and attempted to be imitated, but all such efforts are laughable and instantly obvious for the frauds they are. Go visit the graves of Buddha, Mohammed, Joseph Smith and all the others, their bones are still with us. You will search the empty tomb in vain for Jesus of Nazareth, He is not here, He is risen from the dead!
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are opening our King James Bible to take a deep-dive into the events surrounding the resurrection of Jesus from the dead by His own power, a feat never accomplished before or since.CLICK IMAGE TO JOIN THIS KING JAMES BIBLE STUDY PROGRAM LIVE TONIGHT BEGINNING AT 9 PM EST
As I am writing this, a quick glance at the global population counter reads just about 7,777,277,577, so that means that it will hit 9 sevens in a row sometime on Tuesday evening, two days before the end of Passover. Never before in my 29 years of being saved have I felt such an urgency to get the gospel out before we are called up hither. Please join us tonight for this very special Resurrection Sunday radio bible study beginning at 9 PM EST this evening.
From the very beginning of Now The End Begins, we have told you that "The WAR is real, the BATTLE hot, and TIME is shortto the FIGHT!" It's begun, and we all need to take our place on the front lines of the end times, tell a lost and dying world about salvation in Jesus Christ, and warn of the coming judgment. Are you ready for what comes next? 

Topics That We Will Discuss On Tonight's King James Bible Study:

  • Exactly What Jesus Was Doing In Hell For 3 Days And Nights.
  • What Will Happen When You Die.
  • Easter Was A Pagan Holiday 2,000 Years Ago, And Remains So Today.
  • The Real Reason Why The Betrayer Judas Hung Himself.
  • The 'Super Powers' Jesus Displayed After He Rose That We Will One Day Have Also.
  • Global population will reach 7,777,777,777 people sometime Tuesday!
  • Jesus Resurrection From The Dead Tells Us How 'Once Saved, Always Saved' Is Possible.
  • How The Disbelief Of The Apostle Thomas Cost Him A Mighty Blessing, And How Not To Make The Same Joy-Robbing Mistake In Your Your Life.
If you love bible prophecy and the end times, this is one program you will not want to miss. Over my 29 years of being saved and studying bible prophecy, never before have I seen it leaping off the pages like it is right now, today, in our time. The whole world is under lockdown from a global pestitlience, imagine that, and yet it is all foretold in the scripture of truth. Please join with us as we open our King James Bible to hear what the Lord would have us to know about these end times that have now begun.

Our Sunday Night King James Bible Study Is Now Live Right Here

Thanks to your generous giving and praying for us, we are now broadcasting from our own servers and on our own site. We even created a chatroom for people to talk with each other as well. Gone is the outdated Flash technology with all its problems and listener issues. Our new station will be using HTML 5 and php so it will be easily heard on any mobile device , desktop or laptop computer.
  • NOTE: The Chatroom will open at 8:45 PM EST and will have live music playing. We look forward to having you come and join the NTEB Radio Bible family!
If you decide to use the chatroom, you can chat either as a guest by clicking on the colored circle in the bottom left of the chat window and filling in your own information, or you can register with a FREE account, and chat with permanent credentials and user avatar. Either way is very simple and easy to do, you will find more about that there.

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