Monday, 13 April 2020

IMF Must Not Buy the Mullahs' Coronavirus Lies

In this mailing:
  • Guy Millière: Coronavirus: A French Disaster
  • Majid Rafizadeh: IMF Must Not Buy the Mullahs' Coronavirus Lies

Coronavirus: A French Disaster

by Guy Millière  •  April 13, 2020 at 5:00 am
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  • The first bad decision was that, in contrast to the European Union fantasies, borders apparently do matter. France never closed them; instead it allowed large numbers of potential virus-carriers to enter the country.
  • In January 2020, several hundred thousand masks were available, but on February 19, President Macron decoded to send them to Wuhan, as a "gesture of solidarity with the Chinese people".... The French government announced that masks would be available soon, but by the end of March, most doctors and caregivers still had no masks. Several doctors fell ill. As of April 10, eight have died from COVID-19 and several others are in critical condition. On March 20, the Government's spokeswoman, Sibeth N'Diaye, incorrectly said, "masks are essentially useless".
  • On February 25, a renowned French epidemiologist, Professor Didier Raoult... published a video... In it, he said he had found a treatment quickly to end the pandemic: hydroxychloroquine... (used with azithromycin)... On April 10, Professor Raoult published data showing that he had treated and cured 2,401 patients.
  • Immediately, Olivier Veran, the new French minister of health, said that Professor Raoult's statements were "unacceptable" and that the treatment he was proposing was "worthless".... In an attempt to quell the controversy, the French government, by decree, authorized Professor Raoult's treatment in "military hospitals" for "patients reaching the acute phase of the disease" but prohibited family doctors from prescribing hydroxychloroquine. Professor Raoult replied that the treatment was only effective if administered "before the disease reaches its acute phase". [Emphasis added]
  • France's mainstream media would do well to fight harder for physicians to be able supply hydroxychloroquine with azithromycin and zinc sulfate. The French media would also do well to be more aware of the dirty game China is playing.
  • "The behavior of our leaders has been marked by unpreparedness, casualness, cynicism, and many of their acts imply the enforcement of the criminal law. Deliberate endangerment of the lives of others and failure to provide assistance to people in danger are obvious... In war, generals who are judged incompetent are sometimes shot. The President and other officials are well aware of this." — Regis de Castelnau, attorney, in Marianne, a center-left magazine, April 4, 2020.
In contrast to European Union fantasies, borders apparently do matter. France never closed them; instead it allowed large numbers of potential coronavirus-carriers to enter the country. Pictured: A French policeman uses a drone to check the surroundings of the German-French border in Strasbourg, France, on April 9, 2020. (Photo by Frederick Florin / AFP via Getty Images)
On April 9, in France, one of the three European countries most affected by COVID-19 -- the others being Spain and Italy, 1,341 people died from the Chinese Communist Party virus. For Italy, the main European country affected so far, the figure on April 9 was 610 deaths; for Spain 446, and for Germany 266. While the pandemic has been stabilizing in Italy and Spain -- and in Germany seems contained -- in France it seems still expanding.
Extremely bad decisions taken by the authorities created a situation of contagion more destructive than it should have been.

IMF Must Not Buy the Mullahs' Coronavirus Lies

by Majid Rafizadeh  •  April 13, 2020 at 4:00 am
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  • The U.S. Embassy wrote in a Facebook post: "The possessions of the current supreme leader Ali #Khamenei alone are estimated at $200 billion, while many people languish in poverty because of the dire economic situation in #Iran after 40 years of rule by the mullahs."
  • If the Iranian leaders are so concerned about the public health, why they have been ratcheting up their use of lethal force, suppression and human rights abuses against those who have been revealing the truth about the COVID-19 virus in Iran or who have been voicing their concern about the regime's mishandling of the coronavirus crisis?
  • "The world's leading state sponsor of terrorism is seeking cash to fund its adventurism abroad, not to buy medicine for Iranians. The regime's corrupt officials have a long history of diverting funds allocated for humanitarian goods into their own pockets and to their terrorist proxies." — U.S. State Department Spokesman to CNN, April 9, 2020.
The ruling mullahs of Iran are doubling down on requests to the International Monetary Fund immediately to give Tehran an emergency $5 billion loan. Pictured: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. (Photo by Atta Kenare/AFP via Getty Images)
The ruling mullahs of Iran are doubling down on requests to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), headquartered in Washington DC, immediately to give Tehran an emergency $5 billion loan.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani stated that his government wants to use the $5 billion fund to fight the coronavirus pandemic, and stressed once again, "I urge international organizations to fulfill their duties ... We are a member of the IMF." The IMF, however, should definitely decline the mullahs' financial request, because the ruling mullahs have plenty of cash and that they would most likely misuse the funds to advance their anti-American and anti-Semitic -- and even anti-Iranian people -- agendas.
Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, for instance, the unelected "representative of God on earth" and the longest-ruling autocrat in the Middle East, has a financial empire worth at least $95 billion, according to a report published by Reuters in 2013.

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