In this mailing:
- Bassam Tawil: How Palestinians Terrorize Their Own People
- Majid Rafizadeh: The Mullah's Spies and Assassinations in the West
by Bassam Tawil • July 6, 2020 at 5:00 am
"We see corruption everywhere. Is the Palestinian Authority headed towards self-destruction? Or is it just destroying the [Palestinian] people so that its own sons and relatives can rise to power?" — Nadia Harhash, journalist, who awoke on June 1, 2020 to find her car being torched,
Instead of heeding the call of the Palestinian Coalition for Accountability and Integrity and many Palestinians to end nepotism and ensure accountability and transparency, the PA has chosen to remain silent.
Thanks to the criminal negligence of the international community and the so-called human rights organizations, however, the Palestinian Authority leadership can simply continue to pursue its policy of deadly intimidation against Palestinian journalists. These groups are much too busy drafting condemnations of Israel to have time left over to expose the true Palestinian menace: the Palestinian Authority.

Nadia Harhash, a prominent Palestinian journalist, was not surprised by the pre-dawn torching of her car. All fingers point to one culprit: the Palestinian Authority. Harhash has good reason to suspect the PA and its leaders. The articles she has published over the past few years have earned her the wrath of many senior Palestinian officials. PA leaders have always resorted to various methods to silence and intimidate their critics. (Illustrative image by iStock)
The leadership of the Western-funded Palestinian Authority (PA) has again proved that it does not -- and will not -- tolerate any form of criticism, particularly when it comes from its own people. In the past few days, at least three Palestinian journalists have fallen victim to the PA's long-time policy of terrorizing and silencing dissenting voices.
PA leaders have always resorted to various methods to silence and intimidate their critics. These methods include, among other things, arrests, recurring summons' for interrogation, dismissal from work, and physical and psychological abuse.
The PA leadership has drawn deeper from its well of malevolent creativity to muzzle Palestinians from expressing critique: they are now also torching private cars.
This is an old technique of Palestinian activists to silence voices that dare to speak out against corruption, embezzlement of public funds and abuse of power.
by Majid Rafizadeh • July 6, 2020 at 4:00 am
The Iranian regime has been involved in assassinations, terror plots, and terrorist attacks in more than 40 countries.
While the Iranian regime continues its assassinations and terrorist plots in the West, the EU and the UN -- which it is time for the US to defund -- remain silent.

The Iranian regime has been involved in assassinations, terror plots, and terrorist attacks in more than 40 countries. Pictured: Police patrol in front of the Roskilde District Court in Denmark on June 26, 2020, as the court prepares to deliver its verdict for an Iranian spy for being an accessory to the attempted murder of an Iranian dissident. (Photo by Mads Claus Rasmussen / Ritzau Scanpix / AFP via Getty Images)
Another spy from the Iranian regime, Mohammad Davoudzadeh Loloei, 40, has been sentenced to prison in a European court -- this time, Denmark -- for being an accessory to the attempted murder of one or more individuals who are opponents of the Iranian regime. What is unusual is that this is all taking place while Europe's leaders continue to pursue a policy of appeasement with the ruling mullahs of Iran.
According to Roskilde District Court, in Denmark, Loloei had collected information on a dissident, so far unnamed, and given it to Iran's intelligence service, who planned to murder the man. The information included photos of the target's house, street and surroundings. "The court found that the information was collected and passed on to a person working for an Iranian intelligence service, for use by the intelligence service's plans to kill the exile," the court's statement read.
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