Sunday, 9 August 2020

The Reverse-Colonization of France

In this mailing:
  • Guy Millière: The Reverse-Colonization of France
  • Amir Taheri: When Memory Becomes a Prison of Nations

The Reverse-Colonization of France

by Guy Millière  •  August 9, 2020 at 5:00 am
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  • Asking the police not to give the name of killers is an attempt to hide the truth and prevent the public from knowing exactly who in France is committing these acts. Hiding the name shows a desire to appease the killers: when a killer has a Christian name, it is immediately printed on the front page.
  • "We only love what hates us, anything that destroys us is seen as great. There is a desire to destroy truth, history... We no longer teach the history of France and we no longer say what our civilization has accomplished. We only talk about our civilization to disparage it." — Michel Onfray, Le Salon Beige, July 30, 2020 and YouTube, July 17, 2020.
  • "France is undergoing reverse colonization. Populations coming mainly from countries formerly colonized by France have settled in France without any intention of integrating. Most of them live in neighborhoods where the laws of Islam now reign and where imams spread hatred of France.... And in a gesture of submission, the French authorities say that hatred does not emanate from those who kill, but from those who want to react and say that we must put an end to assaults and murders. It is a suicidal attitude." — Éric Zemmour, YouTube, November 22, 2016.
On July 4, on a small road in Lot-et-Garonne, in southwest France, a young gendarme, Mélanie Lemée, age 25, tried to stop Yacine E., a driver who was speeding. He accelerated and deliberately crushed her. She was killed instantly. Pictured: Gendarmes carry the coffin of Mélanie Lemée at her funeral in Merignac, near Bordeaux on July 9, 2020. (Photo by Philippe Lopez/AFP via Getty Images)
Lyon, the third largest city in France, July 20, 3 a.m. A middle-class neighborhood. A young woman walks her dog on a quiet street. A car arrives at high speed and crushes her dog. The driver stops, backs up, runs over the young woman and crushes her too. He goes forward again, at full speed, and drags her dead body half a mile. People awakened by the noise write down the license number of the car. The police officers who come to the scene are horrified. The young woman's body was dismembered. A leg was found on one side of the street; the rest of her body was shredded. One arm was close to the body of her dog. The other was still holding onto the dog's leash. Her name was Axelle Dorier. She was a nurse, only 23.

When Memory Becomes a Prison of Nations

by Amir Taheri  •  August 9, 2020 at 4:00 am
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  • Keeping alive the narrative of victimhood, successive Algerian leaders have tried to divert attention from their own shortcomings, not to say misdeeds.
  • Covering the 1990s troubles in Algeria, I was often told by Algerian politicians of all colors that all of their country's troubles, including terrorism in the name of religion and police brutality, were due to French colonial rule. After a while... I suggested to Algerian interlocutors to fix a certain date up to which everything was the fault of the French but after that regard Algerians as responsible for their own troubles.
Keeping alive the narrative of victimhood, successive Algerian leaders have tried to divert attention from their own shortcomings, not to say misdeeds. Pictured: Algerian President Abdul-Majid Tebboune. (Photo by Ryad Kramdi/AFP via Getty Images)
Should the writing of history be treated as a governmental project? French President Emmanuel Macron and his Algerian counterpart Abdul-Majid Tebboune seem to think so. They have ordered the creation of a joint commission to write the history of relations between the two countries since the French annexed that strand of North Africa in 1832.
Macron and Tebboune are not the first rulers to seek an officially vetted and approved narrative of our human story. However, their case is unique because other rulers just wanted to tell their side of the story while Macron and Tebboune demand a two-voices, presumably parallel, narrative.

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