Sunday, 9 August 2020

This Weeks Top Four Prophetic Stories from PNW

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This Weeks Top 4 Prophetic Stories
Bible Prophecy 2020 - Optimistic Pessimism
The weight of world events can be overwhelming. Swimming upstream and being a countercultural Christian who studies prophecy like the watchmen we were called to be is hard work. Most people won't get you. That is ok.

Economic Devastation On A Scale That America Has Never Seen Before
In recent weeks there has been a tremendous amount of debate about whether police departments around the country should be "defunded" or not, but what most Americans don't realize is that it is already happening on a massive scale.
Your Phone Is Spying On You And Generating Secret 'Surveillance Scores'
Your phone knows what you look like, it knows the sound of your voice, it knows where you have been, it knows where you have shopped, it knows your Internet searches and it knows what you like to do in your free time. In fact, your phone literally knows thousands of things about you, and all of that information is bought and sold every single day without you knowing.
Media Deems Cashless Society A 'Conspiracy Theory'
Before there was a coin shortage, cash was under attack in the media and portrayed as a COVID-19 hazard. Now news outlets are making sure everyone knows only to think of a looming cashless society as a "conspiracy theory."

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