Sunday 15 November 2020

If Your Democrat-Run City Or State Issues COVID-1984 Anti-Thanksgiving No Travel Lockdown Orders, Go Anyway And Remember Why We’re Free


New post on Now The End Begins

If Your Democrat-Run City Or State Issues COVID-1984 Anti-Thanksgiving No Travel Lockdown Orders, Go Anyway And Remember Why We’re Free

by Geoffrey Grider


When they put the Yellow Stars on the Jews in Germany, most of them meekly accepted their fate, thinking it would pass. It did not, and we need to remember the lessons of history or prepare to repeat them and lose our freedom.

As Americans, we are not free because someone else allowed us to have freedom, not at all. We are free here in America because brave men and women risked their lives and gave their lives to beat back anarchy and tyranny whenever it reared its filthy face, and paid the price for victory. The present tyranny of COVID-1984 combined with the current rise of Marxism in our nation is as grave a threat to our freedom and liberties as Adolf Hitler and the Nazi war machine ever was. This is war, and the prize is your freedom, will you let them take it from you?

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” Ronald Reagan, 40th president of the United States of America

This year, as the New World Order elites like Andrew Cuomo in New York, Nancy Pelosi in San Francisco and all the others are threatening you with their COVID-1984, anti-Thanksgiving, no-travel lockdown threats, we need to rise up with one voice and tell them a resounding "NO!!", preferably played at a full 10 on the volume dial. When they put the Yellow Stars on the Jews in Germany, most of them meekly accepted their fate, thinking it would pass. It did not, and we need to remember the lessons of history or prepare to repeat them.

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government..." Declaration of Independence, 1776

If you're sick, stay home, and this applies to any sickness you may be experiencing at the moment. If you think you have COVID, get tested, find out for sure so you don't give it to anyone. Wash your hands, use hand sanitizer, these have always been the rules and always will be. But the very idea of locking down whole sections of the population who are not sick, and telling them they cannot comfort their dying loves ones, attend weddings, travel on Thanksgiving, or anything else of that nature should be repugnant to freedom and to a free people.



Remember, these rules are only for the "little people", they do not apply to the elites. Observe NY Gov. Cuomo not wearing a mask, CNN hack Chris Cuomo not wearing a mask, Nancy Pelosi violating her own lockdown order to get her hair done, maskless, in the very salon her policies closed down because it wasn't safe! This is what tyranny looks like people, it starts small, but grows really, really large. Why do you think Cubans risk their lives, floating 90 miles on planks of wood to get to America? It's because they would rather risk losing their lives to escape tyranny, than to live under despots. We need a little of that Cuban freedom fighting spirit here in America in 2020.

If you want to responsibly make plans to visit friends and loves ones for the upcoming holidays, don't let them stop you, remember the Yellow Stars, remember where tyranny takes you. Your freedom is what's really on the ballot this year.

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