Monday, 5 August 2019

"Apostasy Not Inactivity" by Philip Wren From "Trumpet Sounds".

Apostasy not Inactivity

Over several decades there have been those who have cried out that the church has been asleep allowing all this to happen. Having been asleep themselves they imagine that everyone else has likewise been slumbering. During this time the remnant true church in Britain has in fact been punching far above its weight in opposing the destruction of society. The failure to win the day has not been due to inactivity but due to swimming against the tide of end time apostasy.
Those who believe in a great end time revival which will bring in the Kingdom of God, find this difficult to understand. To talk about an apostasy and falling away is for them defeatist. Defeatist or not, it is scriptural. “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.” Matthew 24: 12. “for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first.” 2 Thessalonians 2:3. The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy about the terrible times which will come in the last days (2 Timothy 3: 1 – 9). We are living in those days.
Image result for philip wren trumpet sounds
Philip Wren speaking at TURF in Newport 
Trumpet Sounds believes that a strong defence against allowing ourselves to become part of the falling away is an understanding of scriptural teaching on the end times. Our expectations need to be rooted in the Word of God not the fanciful ideas of men.
In these days, battles are having to be fought in order to protect Christian liberty. We must defend such liberty as we can, while we can. However the true church is fighting a rear guard action. It is like an army valiantly defending a piece of territory. The Commander in Chief has planned a counter offensive which will crush the enemy. We do not know when that attack will come. Our orders are to hold on to what ground we can until that time comes. In holding that ground we trust that it will allow many to escape from the clutches of the enemy to come over to our side.
As the return of our Lord draws closer the battle will intensify. There will be some victories but also many defeats. For a time the kingdom of this world will appear to triumph. All witness for Christ will be silenced. At that time the world will celebrate. At last they are rid of the Christian conscience (Revelation 11: 10). The celebrations will be very short lived. They will be cut short by the return of Jesus Christ, to claim His throne as ruler of this world. 
What can the righteous do?
In past editions of Trumpet Sounds we have featured the advice of Corrie Ten Boon on how to prepare to face suffering for Christ. She gave four recommendations. 1). Feed on the Word of God, read it, digest it, memorise it. 2). Develop our personal relationship with Christ. 3). Be filled with the Holy Spirit. 4). Develop strong relationships with one another. An article by Corrie Ten Boon which develops this theme can be read at:
David Wilkerson also encouraged people to prepare for the times when the whole world is shaken. At these times we are to make God our hiding place. “come my people enter your chambers, and shut the door behind you; hide yourselves, as it were for a little time until the indignation is past.” Isaiah 26: 20. This is not hiding from the world but hiding ourselves in God.
David Wilkerson explains, “The prophet says it is possible to find a place of comfort and composure during volatile times of His wrath. When you are distressed, when you feel overwhelmed with fear, laid low by great affliction, troubled by concerns for your future, God says there is a secret hiding place. It is a place of comfort where we find composure for our souls. This secret hiding place is a chamber in your mind. Isaiah describes it this way: “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You”Isaiah 26:3. When God tells us, “Shut the doors,” this is what he means. He is showing us the need to shut out the many troubling voices in our heads. We are to close the door to all thoughts about tomorrow, about world events. Jesus told us, “Give no thought about tomorrow.” The Lord who has faithfully brought us this far will not fail us in the days ahead.”

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