Saturday, 28 September 2019

Ukraine Transcripts Show Crowdstrike Is The Common Denominator Between Hillary Clinton’s Email Server, Joe Biden, Burisma Holdings, And The Russian Collusion Hoax

New post on Now The End Begins

Ukraine Transcripts Show Crowdstrike Is The Common Denominator Between Hillary Clinton’s Email Server, Joe Biden, Burisma Holdings, And The Russian Collusion Hoax

by Geoffrey Grider

Why Trump’s Focus on CrowdStrike Is So Key

The reference to CrowdStrike, mark my words, is momentous in this transcript today. I know very well the whistleblower didn’t tell the Democrats about that or they would have a different strategy laid out for this.

Why are the Democrats rushing so fast to try and impeach President Trump? Because of a single word in the Ukraine transcripts - CrowdStrike. Who are they? CrowdStrike is a private sector security company in Silicon Valley, and they were hired by the Crooked Hillary team to keep her email server out of the hands of the FBI. James Comey saw that that mission was successfully completed. Why does President Trump mention CrowdStrike in the transcripts? Because CrowdStrike is the one, single thread that ties together Joe Biden getting slush-fund money for his son Hunter, the Russian Collusion hoax, the Mueller Report, and collusion of the Obama administration with the Russians in 2016. Yep, CrowdStrike.
Yes, the Democrats know that they cannot actually impeach President Trump, just like they knew that there was no Russian Collusion. But they kept that scam going for two and a half long years anyway to tie Trump up, and in that respect, the Democrats were successful. But they did not anticipate CrowdStrike popping up in the transcripts, and now they are in an absolute panic to muzzle Trump. But the proverbial cat, as they say, is now out of the bag and peeing all over the carpet at the DNC. And the Democrats are terrified.

Why Trump’s Focus on CrowdStrike Is So Key

FROM THE RUSH LIMBAUGH SHOW: Now, let me tell you one other thing about CrowdStrike. CrowdStrike, when I saw that word in the transcript with the call between Trump and the president of Ukraine, just to remind you, CrowdStrike, private sector security firm that the Democrats hired to analyze their server that they claim was hacked. They didn’t let the FBI examine the server. And can you imagine the FBI said, “Okay”? You ever had the FBI come to your house and want to search and you say, “No, you can’t come in,” and they say, “Oh, okay,” and leave?
Well, they showed up and Debbie “Blabbermouth” Schultz said, get outta here, we don’t want you to look at our server, and they turned around and left. And the FBI, as they’re leaving, finds out that the Democratic National Committee hired CrowdStrike. And it is their analysis and only their analysis, CrowdStrike, the only evidence that Russia hacked the DNC. That’s all. And everybody has just assumed that the Russians were the guilty party only because the firm hired by the Democrats said so.
But CrowdStrike is alleged to have gotten something big wrong about Ukraine. CrowdStrike accused Russia of hacking a Ukrainian artillery app resulting in heavy losses, even though Ukraine has no incentive to help Russia, which is attacking them. Ukraine said it never happened. And yet CrowdStrike was asserting that Russia hacked a Ukrainian artillery app. How do I know this? Well, Andy McCarthy’s written about this in his book Ball of Collusion. Here’s the short little passage here that’s relevant.
“CrowdStrike widely believed to have been wrong in a controversial 2016 judgment when it claimed that Russia hacked a Ukrainian artillery app resulting in heavy losses of howitzers in combat against separatists used by Moscow.” That’s a pretty big thing to be wrong about, and the only reason to point it out is, okay, if they’re wrong about that, what if the Democratic National Committee server was not hacked?
Do you realize how convenient it was for them to be able to say that Russia hacked their server and then link Trump to Russia? The FBI never assumed that because they never got to investigate it. So the presence of CrowdStrike, Trump asking the president of Ukraine to look into CrowdStrike as well as Biden and his son.
Now, just a little bit more about CrowdStrike ’cause I have paid attention, there’s not a single — I haven’t seen a single report focus on CrowdStrike in this transcript. Now, I know why the Democrats are ignoring it. The Democrats are bent out of shape that Trump even knows about CrowdStrike. They think Trump’s an idiot. With Trump specifically zeroing in on CrowdStrike the Democrats have learned today, after reading that transcript, what Trump is really doing here.
Trump is soliciting assistance from allies all over the world to help Barr prove the scam run against him. That’s what’s going on. That’s what the Democrats have learned today with that word “CrowdStrike” being in the transcript. CrowdStrike, the founder of CrowdStrike is a Russian emigre who hates Putin with a purple passion. It seems to color CrowdStrike’s security work.
Prime example being when CrowdStrike claimed that the Russians had hacked the Ukraine artillery software during the time Russia was invading Ukraine. CrowdStrike claimed the Russian hack caused the Ukrainians to fire on their own troops, killing thousands of them. They were dead wrong about it! And that’s a massive thing to be wrong about. Because the only problem was Ukraine said there was no such hack and no such battle and there were no such casualties.
Based on the panicked calls I got from a @washingtonpost reporter yesterday - every 30 minutes - who wanting me to discuss the #Crowdstrike issue, this is what the left is most worried about - Catherine Herridge does a great job here with @LouDobbs breaking down why...
— Tony Shaffer (@T_S_P_O_O_K_Y) September 26, 2019
They said that CrowdStrike had made all of it up. And guess what? CrowdStrike withdrew its report and admitted that it was wrong. Now, this, whether it sounds like it or not, don’t doubt me, this is highly relevant to this entire Russian collusion story, which is why Trump was asking about it and why the Democrats don’t want the Ukrainians to reinvestigate it.
The reference to CrowdStrike, mark my words, is momentous in this transcript today. I know very well the whistleblower didn’t tell the Democrats about that or they would have a different strategy laid out for this. Because another thing — don’t doubt me on this — what this really means, folks, is that Trump — he was asking for assistance on Biden, but it’s all related. What Trump actually was asking the president of Ukraine to do was to help the attorney general.
There’s no question in my mind now what this is. Trump is gonna get to the bottom of the origins of the Mueller investigation. He’s gonna get to the bottom of the origins of this coup that was run against him come hell or high water and he was asking the president of Ukraine for assistance today, and part of that is illustrating and proving the vile corruption of Joe Biden, which is monumental. READ MORE

Whistleblower Accuses Trump, Giuliani of Ukraine Collusion

PART ONE: Glenn and Stu explain the entire timeline of the President Trump administration’s dealings with Ukraine. Though the whistleblower doesn’t make his accusations clear in his complaint, it seems he (or she!) is alleging President Trump and Rudy Giuliani threatened to withhold funds from Ukraine until the president would “play ball”…or gather dirt on Joe Biden. And that's what Democrats are trying to build a case around for impeachment. The guys detail exactly what happened over the last year, specifically in regards to Trump’s relationship with the former prosecutor general, Leshchenko.

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