Wednesday, 5 February 2020

App That Caused The Democratic Caucus To Implode Last Night Was Created By Hillary Clinton Campaign Tech Guru Gerard Niemira, CEO of Shadow Inc

New post on Now The End Begins

App That Caused The Democratic Caucus To Implode Last Night Was Created By Hillary Clinton Campaign Tech Guru Gerard Niemira, CEO of Shadow Inc

by Geoffrey Grider

pp blamed for botched Iowa caucus created by Hillary Clinton campaign alum

The app blamed for Iowa’s stalled Democratic caucus results was slapped together by an alum of Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 presidential campaign.

Well, it looks like the Democrats have hacked their own election process, and they did it without any help from the Russian, imagine that! And in perfect poetic irony,the Democrats Iowa caucus imploded because the whole process was dependent on an app created by...wait for it...the tech guru, Gerard Neimira, from Hillary Clinton's failed 2016 campaign. Ahh, sweet harmony, don't you love it?
The app, built by Shadow, Inc., was "confusing and difficult to download" and plunged the entire Iowa caucus process into confusion and chaos, resulting in nationwide mocking of both the Democrats and their app. Ask yourself this - if the Democrats cannot pull it together to successfully run even their own primary event, stocked and staffed with their own people, how do you think they would do if they were running the country? #MAGA2020Landslide

App blamed for botched Iowa caucus created by Hillary Clinton campaign alum

FROM NY POST: Gerard Niemira, CEO of Shadow Inc. — the company tapped by the Iowa Democratic Party (IDP) to build an app for reporting the results of the crucial, first-in-the-nation caucus — served as director of product on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign.
As of early Tuesday, the IDP had still not released the results of the chaotic caucus. Shadow’s role in building the app was not publicly known before the failed rollout. Precinct chairs across the state experienced problems downloading or logging into the app, one of the ways they were supposed to be able to send the results from their smaller, individual caucuses to the IDP, Bloomberg News reported.
“The changes that were made to the caucus this year were in response to criticism from Sen. Bernie Sanders’ campaign in 2016,” Dr. Karen Kedrowski, director of the Catt Center for Women and Politics at Iowa State University and an expert on caucus history, told The Post of the app’s commissioning and rollout.
The app, Kedrowski contends, was supposed to be one of multiple fixes made to the caucus process after the Sanders campaign challenged certain procedures from 2016 as unfair.
“You could log in, the app would be secure, and you could report your results without having to wait on the phone to submit,” she said of what the app would’ve promised to do.
Kedrowski added that along with the app’s failed rollout, “sheer incompetence from the state added to the mess.”
The company, which initially built the app to simplify and streamline the process of reporting results in Iowa counties, also counts the Nevada Democratic Party as a client. Nevada is the next state that will hold a caucus. The IDP paid Shadow Inc. over than $63,000 for “website development” relating to the app, according to state campaign finance records. READ MORE

No Iowa Caucus Results Yet Due To ‘Inconsistencies’ Involving New App

Due to “inconsistencies” with the app used to record and relay the votes, there are no Democratic results yet from the Iowa caucuses. With voters left confused, the candidates are already moving on to their next battleground, New Hampshire. NBC’s Peter Alexander reports for TODAY from Des Moines.

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