“But granddaughters not only love their grandpops but they like them. And that’s the great thing. Thank you, baby,” Creepy Joe Biden said last night.
Creepy Joe Biden gets worse with each passing day, making me wonder if he is not only a pedophile but has dementia as well. After all the stories, accounts and videos of him sniffing women's hair, putting his hands on 8-year old girls, and all the rest of that ultra-creepy stuff, you would think any man who is sane and rational would at least stop doing that while running for election to the highest office in the land. But apparently, that's now even a though in Creepy Joe's head as he kisses his granddaughter on the mouth in Iowa last night. And I won't even mention that at the same time he is doing that, he is holding her hand down near his groin. Look at the photo. Creepy Joe Biden for president?
"Abstain from all appearance of evil." 1 Thessalonians 5:22 (KJB)
So here are your Democratic candidates for president in 2020. Creepy Joe Biden who likes to make out with family members and
touch small children,
gay mayor Pete,
Communist Bernie Sanders, and Mike Bloomberg. What do they all have in common? They are all in favor of
aborting babies up to their due date. This is America in 2020, we've become a
Chick tract. If this is the type of behavior that Creepy Joe Biden seems comfortable to exhibit in public, can you just imagine what Creepy Joe Biden is doing behind closed doors? Joe Biden is one scary dude.
Iowa caucus results delayed due to ‘inconsistencies,’ state Democrats say
FROM THE NY POST: The Iowa caucuses reveal not only a Democratic Party deliriously incompetent at handling a vote tally — this from the folks who have been screaming about voting fraud and irregularities for years — but at war with itself in a way that could lead to political disorder that will make the counting disaster look like a garden party. What little we can glean from entrance polls reveals the way in which the schematics of the intra-Democratic conflict in 2020 are very stark. It’s Joe Biden with big numbers with people 65 and older — and nobody else. It’s Bernie Sanders with huge numbers among people 18 to 29 — and mediocre numbers with everybody else.
That likely translated into Sanders running away with college-educated voters and Biden running away with those caucus-goers who have only a high school education.
“I would like to introduce you to my granddaughter Finnegan Biden. The reason I asked Finnegan — grandfathers are always allowed to embarrass their granddaughters — that goes along with the territory,” said Biden, 77, his hand over her shoulder. “Her other grandma graduated from Clarke College in the mid-’60s and talks about it all the time.” “But granddaughters not only love their grandpops but they like them. And that’s the great thing. Thank you, baby,” he said.
Slicing the Iowa pie even more thinly, Biden likely lost a significant number of younger moderate voters to 37-year-old Pete Buttigieg — another suggestion that Biden’s candidacy is, in a state like Iowa, almost exclusively a Geritol candidacy.
This happened in a state that is 92 percent white. New Hampshire, which follows, is 93 percent white. Polling suggests Sanders will win there in a walk, as he did in 2016 — and that his victory there could mean a downward slide for Biden.
But what happens when the nominating process begins reflecting another schematic reality — the entry of African American voters in sizable numbers? Before any voting, Biden was running away with them. In January, a Washington Post-Ipsos poll had Biden at 48 percent nationally and Sanders at 20.
But it’s only in the fourth state to vote, South Carolina, that African Americans will be the decisive players. Now, if Sanders runs the table in the first three (Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada), his numbers will surely improve. Still, if history is any guide, 25 percent of the overall Democratic primary electorate will be black.
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