by Judith Bergman • April 22, 2021 at 5:00 am "China's leaders see distant water fleets as a way to project presence around the world. The aim is to be present all over the world's oceans so that they can direct the outcomes of international agreements that cover maritime resources." — Tabitha Mallory, CEO of China Ocean Institute and affiliate professor at the University of Washington, Axios, March 23, 2021. In the past five years, more than 500 abandoned wooden fishing boats, often with skeletons of starved North Korean fishermen aboard, have washed up on the shores of Japan. For years the cause was unknown, until it was found out that the likely reason was that "an armada" of Chinese industrial boats fish illegally in North Korean waters.... It is estimated that China's fishing vessels have depleted squid stocks in North Korean waters by 70%. Most of the fishing vessels in China's fleet are trawlers. "Fishing by trawling method sweeps out the seafloor in the south, and annihilates its resources," a representative of the fishermen said. In a number of West African countries -- Sierra Leone, Liberia, Nigeria and others -- Chinese trawlers have for years "taken advantage of poor governance, corruption and the inability of these governments to enforce fishing regulations" according to the China-Africa project. "Today, the Chinese vessels largely operate beyond government control, prompting an increasingly serious environmental crisis brought on from over-fishing that also endangers local coastal communities who depend on these waters for their livelihoods". In July, six Chinese super trawlers arrived in Liberia, capable of capturing 12,000 tons of fish -- nearly twice the nation's sustainable catch. In South America, Chinese predatory fishing is now so critical that in March, Argentina announced the creation of a Maritime Joint Command to combat the predatory fishing practices of foreign vessels. The Chinese fishing fleet, however, is about much more than fishing. "Against the backdrop of China's larger geo-political aspirations, the country's commercial fishermen often serve as de-facto paramilitary personnel whose activities the Chinese government can frame as private actions", stated a report by Ian Urbina published by the Yale School of Environment in August. "Under a civilian guise, this ostensibly private armada helps assert territorial domination, especially pushing back fishermen or governments that challenge China's sovereignty claims that encompass nearly all of the South China Sea".
 China has by far the world's largest fishing fleet. However, the Chinaese fishing fleet is about much more than fishing. According to investigative reporter Ian Urbina, "Against the backdrop of China's larger geo-political aspirations, the country's commercial fishermen often serve as de-facto paramilitary personnel whose activities the Chinese government can frame as private actions." Pictured: Filipinos protest China's incursion in the West Philippine Sea, on June 21, 2019, in Manila, Philippines. Filipino fishermen reported that on June 9, 2019, a Chinese fishing vessel rammed and sank their boat within the Philippines' Exclusive Economic Zone, leaving all 22 Filipino crew floating at sea before being rescued by a Vietnamese fishing vessel. (Photo by Ezra Acayan/Getty Images) Communist China seems increasingly to be depleting the world's oceans of marine life. The country has by far the world's largest fishing fleet of anywhere between 200,000 to 800,000 fishing boats -- accounting for nearly half of the world's fishing activity -- approximately 17,000 of which belong to its distant-water fishing fleet. The growth has been made possible by enormous state subsidies. In 2012, for instance, the Chinese state poured $3.2 billion in subsidies into its fishing sector, most of it for fuel. However, according to a report from 2012, "government support for the fishing and aquaculture sector could be as much as CNY 500 billion (USD 80.2 billion, EUR 61.7 billion) when regional and national subsidies for rural-based fish farmers are taken into account." Continue Reading Article |
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