Why Christians worldwide should reject the abhorrent
idea of a Covid Vaccine Passport By Pastor David Bizley
In Genesis 1v27 we read that God said, “Let us make man in our image.” If there is one
thing that sets mankind apart from the rest of creation it is a person’s ability to reason for
themselves, to assert one’s own will and to make independent decisions. This is exactly
what it means to be made in the image of God. God the Creator did not have to create
mankind, but He obviously reasoned that we were a good idea. God asserted His own will to
create us and made this decision not under compulsion but rather as a completely
independent Sovereign Being. This “image” which was in fact His image was the greatest
gift that God could impart to His special creation, man and woman. We know this “image”
today by another name, it is autonomy, the ability to self-govern!
Now think about the power of that gift for a moment. God did not have to make us
autonomous beings, He had the power and the choice to make us “wired” to love and obey
Him, just as in the same way our beloved canine pets are literally wired to love and obey us!
Why should God take the risk that we would rebel against our Creator, that we would dare
to disagree with Him, that we would independently assert our freedoms to choose paths for
our lives outside of His perfect will? Simply because that was the price of autonomy,
because ‘God is love’ (1 John 4v16) and without autonomy love is hollow, in fact without
autonomy love is completely non-existent because love demands choice!
This wonderful gift of autonomy is the very thing that is being threatened by any concept of
a “Vaccine Passport.” It should be as abhorrent an idea to those who have asserted their
free will to be Covid vaccinated as it will be to those who are asserting their free will not to
take a Covid vaccine whether that be for medical, religious, or ideological reasons.
Why? Because it will remove an individual’s God given right to choose and make their own
place in society. Why? Because it will elevate the compliant and punish the non-compliant for no other reason than what an individual decides to do with their own God given body.
Why? Because it will grant complete control of a person’s freedom of movement to be
decided by the secular State.
Why? Because it will surrender to the secular State the power of self-determination through
the power of compulsion; remove the opportunity for self-betterment through academic
and economic restriction and suppress self-expression by stigmatising all who disagree with
State policy. Why? Because it smells of the spirit of antichrist most revealed in the ‘Mark of the Beast’ of Revelation 13! ‘And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so
that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark—the name of the beast or the number of
its name. Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the
beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.…’
In Revelation 13 we read that one called the Beast, aka the Anti-Christ will control the world
economically and socially through a mark that will be either on the forehead or the hand.
This mark is a pledge of allegiance to the Beast and his system of governance, and it is to be
recognised as a number beginning or incorporated with 666. Anyone who has this “mark”
will be able to trade and move freely in the Beast’s world system, anyone who doesn’t will
be targeted for punishment by the Anti-Christ State!
Is the “Covid Vaccine Passport” the actual Mark of The Beast then? No, we are not quite at
that point in history (but we are Oh so close!), but it does not have to be the actual mark of
Beast for the Christian to be warned off it. In 1 John 2v18 we read that there have always
been antichrists in the world, all of which are a prelude to the final Anti-Christ.
Furthermore, the book of Revelation is relevant to every generation not just the one in
which the Beast will emerge in person. Therefore the Christian is to be warned that
whenever a person or a system appears on the pages of history that smells like an antichrist,
one that separates people on the basis of race or their belief system, who grants special
privilege or denies access to otherwise normal daily pursuits simply because of compliance
or non-compliance on a decision that has specific implications for their own autonomous
So if it looks like a rat, squeaks like a rat and smells like a rat – guess what, it may be white
but it is still a rat! In other words Christians, brothers and sisters, it doesn’t have to be the
actual ‘Mark of the Beast’ of Revelation 13 to be warned off it, it only has to smell like the
“mark” and as Christians we have an obligation under God to refuse it, to resist it and even
to work against it!
So please dear believer, whatever your thoughts on Covid are, whether you have been
supportive of global lockdowns or resistant to them, whether you have taken a Covid
vaccine or are resistant to one, recognise this one thing - that there are powers in the earth
right now that are using this present “crisis” to remove your freedom through the back door
of a Covid Passport. This “passport” is being peddled under the guise of a “pathway to
freedom” but in reality it is a direct road to tyranny and dictatorship! If globally Christians
and Churches refuse to raise their voices on this one issue and allow this antichrist strategy
to prevail without a fight, then the resultant oppression of the masses will be on us and
history will be accuse us of culpable social genocide!
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