Thursday, 6 January 2022

NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: The Time Has Come Where You’re Going To Need Your ‘Patience And Faith’ To Deal With Last Days ‘Tribulations And Persecutions’


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NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: The Time Has Come Where You’re Going To Need Your ‘Patience And Faith’ To Deal With Last Days ‘Tribulations And Persecutions’

by Geoffrey Grider

Are you ready to stand and fight, not for the "cause of freedom", but for the truth of the gospel of this dispensation. Do you even know what fight you're in?

One of the most damaging things done to the body of Christ in these last days has been to take the double-edged sword of the King James Bible and replace it with the rubber dagger of Laodicean scholarship. In doing so, the power of the scriptures has been corrupted, and because of that, Christians are left unprepared and uneducated in what Biblical Christianity actually is. As a result, when the coming persecutions and lower-case "t" tribulations arrive, and they're already in transit, Christians around the world will flounder instead of fight because they won't understand what's actually taking place. The good news is that this Bible study will help you fix that problem, if you're looking to fix it, that is.

"We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is meet, because that your faith groweth exceedingly, and the charity of every one of you all toward each other aboundeth; So that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye endureWhich is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer:" 2 Thessalonians 1:3-5 (KJB)

On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we blow the dust off some of the very first writings the Holy Spirit ever wrote through Paul, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, where some of us will learn for the first time what the "christian life" is actually all about. Now, if you look for its parallel here in the 21st century you won't likely find it, because it's been replaced with the heresy of "God wants you to be happy" instead of God wants you to be faithful unto death as a testimony of the gospel of the grace of God. Tonight we ask the question that, could it be possible, that persecution and tribulation is in store for the born again child of God as medical fascism continues to swell its ugly head? What if it is? Are you ready to stand and fight, not for the "cause of freedom", but for the truth of the gospel of this dispensation? Do you even know what fight you're in? Join us tonight as we employ the power of negative thinking to make us ready for what comes next.

This live King James Bible study begins tonight starting at 9:00 PM EST, please join us and bring a friend!

Study Helps And Links For Tonight's Bible Study

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• The NTEB House Church Sunday Morning Service

Every Sunday morning, from 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM EST, we invite you to join us for our NTEB House Church Sunday Morning Service where we lift up the Lord Jesus Christ in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, and preach a message from the pages of the King James Authorized Version Holy Bible. 

  • SUNDAY MORNING: All of our NTEB House Church Sunday Morning Services are archived here.

• The RIGHTLY DIVIDING Radio Bible Study

Every Sunday and Wednesday evenings from 9:00 – 11:00 PM EST, we offer an in-depth rightly dividing and dispensationally correct rocket ride through the preserved word of God as found within the pages of the King James Holy Bible. 

  • SUNDAY NIGHT: Our original Sunday Night Radio Bible Study, it’s from 9:00 – 11:00 PM EST, and we have praise, singing, testimony and of 90-minute King James Bible study. All our King James bible study programs are archived here.
  • WEDNESDAY NIGHT: Our Wednesday Night Radio Bible Study, it’s from 9:00 – 11:00 PM EST, and we have praise, singing, testimony and of 90-minute King James Bible study. All our King James bible study programs are archived here.

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