Hi everyone,
Here is an update and an urgent prayer request for Brian Gemmell, please.
Although Brian’s legs and ulcers are generally improving (Gilly very skilfully redresses them every three days) he has been suffering recently with quite serious water retention, with subsequent swelling.
He was admitted to hospital as an emergency last night and they discovered that he had a very high potassium level and that his kidneys were only working at about 50%. This is all putting a severe strain on his heart, hence the need for urgent medical attention and medication.
Gilly has been allowed into the ward this afternoon to dress the ulcers.
They do thank you all for your prayers over the months. In general things have been positive, although mobility is still an issue. Very many thanks.
John and Valerie Heard (in Gravesend)
For those who know them, here is an update on them as well.
We know that a few of you will have seen Valerie regularly on Liz and Grace’s Bible Study Zoom calls, but some may not know how seriously ill she is.
At her last MRI the metastases were stable. However, she has had a big reaction to the significant chemotherapy she was given and this has very seriously impacted on her left hip and left leg. As result she is in constant pain when moving, effectively disabling her. Thankfully the pain eases considerably when she is sitting or sleeping. Friends and family have been providing much support for her at home.
Extra MRI scans to provide a 3-D view are planned to ascertain exactly what is going on. Those who know her please continue upholding her in prayer. Thank you so much.
Her husband John is doing very well in the dementia home, now that they have adjusted his medication. He is coherent on many levels now and, until recently, Valerie and their two children were able to visit him very regularly.
Due to Covid at the home contact has been limited to Zoom calls recently. However, John has really enjoyed seeing his grandchildren by Zoom for the first time for a long while.
Thanks again for your prayers for them both.
If you have any queries about any of the above please contact me:
Very many thanks and blessings
Keith (and Pat) Cline
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