Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Ukraine Crisis: The Next Biden Defeat? by Guy Millière


Ukraine Crisis: The Next Biden Defeat?

by Guy Millière  •  March 9, 2022 at 5:00 am

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  • The only credible military force in Europe is the US army, and the essential decisions for the defense of Europe are taken in Washington, DC.

  • Cyberattacks from Russia affected hundreds of American companies during 2021, but elicited virtually no reaction from the Biden administration apart from more concessions to Russia, such as the extension of the New START treaty, for which the US got nothing, and the exorbitant gift to Putin of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany and Europe.

  • Since Biden enacted restrictions on US domestic oil and gas exploration, production, refinement and transport, the increased prices of oil and gas have been hugely increasing Russia's revenues.

  • May 19, 2021, four months after terminating the Keystone XL pipeline, Biden lifted the sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, thereby presenting Putin with yet another huge gift...

  • Reports now detail that the Biden administration is on the verge of signing what commentators have called a "surrender pact" -- negotiated for the US by the same Russia that is currently threatening America with nuclear war. The new deal will reportedly not only enable Iran to have nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles to deliver them, but also, by "laundering" Russian oil and gas, to bypass whatever economic sanctions the US might impose on it. The deal would also reportedly take Iran off the list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations and have Iran sell its oil to the US.

  • The humiliating debacle that the Biden administration unleashed on the United States in Afghanistan showed all enemies of the West the incompetence of the administration and its ability to inflict strategic and geopolitical disaster on the US.

  • "I need ammunition, not a ride." — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, February 26, 2022.

  • Biden, after enacting restrictions on American domestic oil and gas exploration, production, refinement and transport, is now trying to claim it is "simply not true" that he is holding back US energy... US sanctions have not affected Russia's energy production, nor encouraged the Biden administration to increase production of cleaner and cheaper energy in America. Instead, the administration is exploring purchasing oil at spiking prices from the hostile dictatorship in Venezuela -- rather than providing jobs and affordable energy at home.

  • Biden could have decided on a fuel embargo against Russia; oil and gas are Russia's main sources of revenue. Instead, he is sanctioning the American energy sector. Reinstating the Keystone XL pipeline permit could quickly allow the United States to replace Russian oil with increased imports from Canada.

  • What everyone can see is that the great power status of the United States, already badly damaged by the Biden administration over the past 14 months, has been damaged even more. The US has not deterred Russia from acting in Ukraine, and has not even slowed down or interrupted Russia's aggression. There was no "resolute, massive, and united Transatlantic response." There has not even been a resolute and massive American response.

  • The result of so much US risk-aversion could well lead to further attacks against other countries by Russia, China and Iran.

  • "[D]eterrence was lost with Biden's weakness... Only strength deters war; weakness begets it. President Xi Jinping, Chairman Kim, the Ayatollah – they and others like them are watching..." — Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, January 24, 2022.

  • "We prepared extensively and carefully," Biden said in his State of the Union address on March 1. Could the result have been worse if his administration had not prepared at all?

Since President Biden enacted restrictions on US domestic oil and gas exploration, production, refinement and transport, the increased prices of oil and gas have been hugely increasing Russia's revenues. Now the administration is exploring purchasing oil at spiking prices from the hostile dictatorship in Venezuela -- rather than providing jobs and affordable energy at home. (Image source: iStock)

November 13, 2021. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says that Russia has sent troops to Ukraine's border and that there are now nearly 100,000 Russian soldiers there. Three weeks later, on December 7, US President Joe Biden calls Russian President Vladimir Putin. The transcript of the conversation has not been made public, but National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan described Biden's remarks:

"He reiterated America's support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. He told President Putin directly that if Russia further invades Ukraine, the United States and our European allies would respond with strong economic measures." [Emphasis added]

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