Monday 9 November 2020

The Top Three Telltale Signs Of The End Times


The Top Three Telltale Signs Of The End Times
Presently, there exists a flurry of telltale signs that indicate the Final Biblical Prophecies are about to find their fulfillment. This article covers what seem to be the top three.

Transcending Politics: God Will Have The Last Laugh
What if our worst fears are realized? What if years of pro-life progress are undone? What if our religious liberties are really attacked? What if the nation lurches towards an anti-God socialism? What if our policies prove disastrous for Israel and the Middle East?

Poking God In The Eye: Kamala Harris Vows To Fund Israel's Enemies
Kamala Harris has explicitly stated that she is committed to creating a Palestinian state inside the borders of Israel with its capital in Jerusalem while limiting the number of Jews permitted to live in Judea and Samaria.

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