Friday, 18 June 2021

The End Times Forecaster With "Yet 40 Days and Judgment; Will Judgment Follow the Eclipses?"

   Yet 40 Days and Judgment; Will Judgment Follow the Eclipses?

Posted: 16 Jun 2021 07:15 PM PDT


In the last few years I have noticed a pattern; following an eclipse a major judgment will occur at an esoteric amount of time afterward. 

Case in point; I am sure you remember the Great American eclipse which occurred on 8/21/2017, it had a major American judgment occur at an interval of 40 days afterward—the Las Vegas shooting on 10/1/2017—there are 40 days between 8/21/17 and 10/1/17. 

BTW; I warned of this possibility beforehand. 

“Yet forty days and Nineveh shall be overthrown,” was the cry of Jonah many years ago. Jonah may be echoing that same cry to us today. The 8/21/2017 solar eclipse has many interesting synchronicities that are screaming repent or judgment is coming…  

The information contained in this post, and the post preceding this one, convince me that the 8/21/2017 eclipse is firmly pointing to the Revelation 12 sign of the woman clothed with the sun as a major end times sign.

The data also suggests that this eclipse is a harbinger of major judgments to come. It is possible that the judgments may begin on the day of the eclipse or it may follow afterward at esoteric intervals of time. For example we may see judgments 21 days past, which is 9/11/2017, 40 days past, which is 9/30/2017… 

Another BTW; Hurricane Irma hit Florida on 9/10-11/2017, which was 21 days past and I warned about. Here is another example; The Great South American Eclipse. 

There is another solar eclipse that is going to take place on July 2nd, 2019. This eclipse is being called “The Great South American eclipse.” And based on the facts surrounding this eclipse the End Times Forecaster blog is issuing a warning to the world of the possibility of major judgments following the eclipse, of which the most prominent looks to be 40 days afterward—8/11/19. Remember tradition teaches that Solar eclipses are warnings to the Gentile nations and lunar to Israel. 

Between 7/2/2019 and 8/12/2019 there are 40 days and what happened on 8/12/2019? A South American judgment took place. 

FULL ARTICLE AT: Yet 40 Days and Judgment; Will Judgment Follow the Eclipses?

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