Tuesday, 21 December 2021

China Planning the Ultimate Genocide; Biden Responding with Empty Words


China Planning the Ultimate Genocide; Biden Responding with Empty Words

by Gordon G. Chang  •  December 21, 2021 at 5:30 am

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  • China's coronavirus has now killed more than 806,400 Americans, according to the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center.

  • Biden these days sees China merely as a "competitor," not, more appropriately, as an adversary or enemy.

  • There are Chinese business links with Biden's family and with members of his administration and doubtless he wants to accommodate campaign donors wishing to do business in China, but most fundamentally the President, despite everything, speaks as if he has never let go of his decades-old benign view of the nature of Chinese communism.

  • America is a far stronger society than China, which at the moment is especially fragile because of its debt crisis, but the Communist Party can destroy the U.S. simply because Biden is not adequately defending it from malicious—and unrelenting — Chinese attacks. Strength means nothing if America does not have the determination to defend itself.

  • The next disease from China could be a civilization-killer. China's military is working on the next generation of pathogens, a new kind of biological warfare of "specific ethnic genetic attacks." In other words, Chinese researchers are developing viruses, microbes, and germs that leave China's people immune but kill everyone else.

  • Biden, like many Americans, likes to think that co-existence with the Chinese regime is both possible and desirable, and he has a hard time comprehending the ruthlessness of the Chinese regime or the comprehensive nature of its assault on the international system.

  • Furthermore, the Party is trying to destroy America. China's ruling organization knows that the inspirational impact of American values poses an existential threat to its totalitarian pretensions. What Biden fails to understand is that Chinese communism is in a fight to the finish with the U.S. — whether the U.S. thinks so or not.

  • Biden in a November 17 statement marked the overdose deaths of more than 100,000 Americans in the 12 months ended April 30. Not once did he mention China. Of that toll, approximately 64,000 deaths were attributable to fentanyl. Of that 64,000, almost all were the result of Chinese fentanyl.

  • Today, Biden is scheduled to speak about what America can do to protect itself from the spread of COVID-19, but he will not talk about the most important thing the nation must do: impose the greatest of costs on China to make sure the Communist Party will not create another pandemic.

  • Biden's failure to confront China, whether on coronavirus or fentanyl deaths, means he is derelict in discharging his most fundamental constitutional duty: protecting the American people from foreign attack.

China's coronavirus has now killed more than 806,400 Americans. The spread of the disease outside the People's Republic was the inevitable result of Chinese policies. In other words, China's leaders have now deliberately killed more than 5.3 million people outside their country. Chinese researchers are now developing viruses, microbes, and germs that leave China's people immune but kill everyone else. (Image source: iStock)

President Joe Biden on December 15 "smirked and walked away" when a reporter wanted to know why he has not asked Beijing "to do more to be transparent on the origins" of COVID-19.

China's coronavirus has now killed more than 806,400 Americans, according to the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center.

China lied about the contagiousness of COVID-19 and then, while locking down China, pressured other countries to take arrivals from its soil without restrictions or quarantines.

The spread of the disease outside the People's Republic, therefore, was the inevitable result of Chinese policies. In other words, China's leaders have now deliberately killed more than 5.3 million people outside their country.

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