Wednesday, 22 December 2021

The Palestinian School of Terrorism


In this mailing:

  • Bassam Tawil: The Palestinian School of Terrorism
  • Majid Rafizadeh: Biden's Legacy: A Nuclear Iran

The Palestinian School of Terrorism

by Bassam Tawil  •  December 22, 2021 at 5:00 am

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  • The young terrorists have been brainwashed by Palestinian leaders and "scholars" spewing hate against Israel and Jews on a daily basis.

  • In addition, they are being assured that anyone who dies while carrying out a terrorist attack against Jews is a "martyr" whose place in heaven is guaranteed.

  • IMPACT-se found that Palestinian leaders have failed to fulfill their promise to Western donors to change the textbooks. The study showed, in fact, that the newly published textbooks were even more radical than previous ones.

  • "There is a systematic insertion [in Palestinian textbooks] of violence, martyrdom and jihad across all grades and subjects. Extreme nationalism and Islamist ideologies are widespread throughout the curriculum, including science and math textbooks. The possibility of peace with Israel is rejected." — Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se), May 2021.

  • The textbooks demonize Israel, and the Jews are maligned and presented as a rival of the prophet of Islam. "In short, there is no encouragement towards coexistence throughout the entire curriculum," according to the study.

  • This is the poison that is being injected into the hearts and minds of Palestinians at the very moment that the Biden administration continues to talk about funding the Palestinian Authority and the need to revive the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians.

  • The Biden administration is prattling on about peace and a "two-state solution" while Palestinian leaders are doing their utmost to prepare the next generation to stick more knives into Jews.

A Palestinian teacher and three school children were directly involved in the recent spate of terror attacks against Israelis in Jerusalem and the West Bank. The young terrorists have been brainwashed by Palestinian leaders and "scholars" spewing hate against Israel and Jews on a daily basis. (Image source: Palestinian Media Watch)

A Palestinian teacher and three school children were directly involved in the recent spate of terror attacks against Israelis in Jerusalem and the West Bank. This came as little surprise to those familiar with the ongoing hate and incitement against Israel in Palestinian schools and textbooks, as well as in the media, mosques and university campuses.

On November 21, Fadi Abu Shkhaydam, a 42-year-old high school teacher from Shuafat refugee camp in Jerusalem, shot and killed Eli Kay, a 26-year-old immigrant from South Africa. The shooting attack took place in the Old City of Jerusalem. Four other people were injured before the terrorist was shot dead by police.

Abu Shkhaydam was an Islamic studies teacher at Al-Rashidiyeh Boys' School in east Jerusalem. That the school is run by (Israel's) Municipality of Jerusalem did not bother the terrorist, who was later described as a member of Hamas.

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Biden's Legacy: A Nuclear Iran

by Majid Rafizadeh  •  December 22, 2021 at 4:00 am

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  • The Iranian regime is currently advancing its nuclear program at a rapid pace, spinning centrifuges and enriching uranium at a high level, all while the international community has no access to monitor the regime's nuclear activities to check how far away the Iranian government is from obtaining nuclear weapons.

  • While the Iranian leaders claim that the country's nuclear program is designed for civilian purposes....[a] joint statement issued by the UK, France and Germany acknowledged that the Iranian regime "has no credible civilian need for uranium metal R&D and production, which are a key step in the development of a nuclear weapon."

  • Meanwhile, the Biden administration is completely silent as the Iranian regime disregards and refuses to answer the IAEA's questions about three undeclared clandestine nuclear sites in Iran.

  • All the Biden administration has done so far is to appease a regime that chants "Death to America" and "Death to Israel," and that is determined to push the US out of the Middle East.

  • Iran -- one of only four state sponsors of terrorism, according to the US Department of State, as well as a leading violator of human rights -- is also committed to uprooting and replacing Israel and seizing all the oil in the Middle East from Syria to Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States.

  • So, we are just to sit back and watch the predatory, terrorist regime of Iran, which has already begun taking over the entire Middle East, become nuclear state and wreck the Middle East -- under the Biden administration's watch.

The Iranian regime is currently advancing its nuclear program at a rapid pace, spinning centrifuges and enriching uranium at a high level, all while the international community has no access to monitor the regime's nuclear activities to check how far away the Iranian government is from obtaining nuclear weapons. Pictured: A uranium conversion facility just outside the city of Isfahan, Iran, used as part of Iran's uranium enrichment process. (Photo by Getty Images)

The Biden administration seems to have no clear agenda on how to stop the Iranian regime from going nuclear. It has been almost a year and seven rounds of negotiations, but nothing has come out of these talks except that the ruling mullahs of Iran keep advancing their nuclear program, with Russia backing them.

The Iranian regime is playing with the Biden administration, most likely dragging out the negotiations -- and accelerating its enrichment of uranium to weapons-grade -- to buy time to become a nuclear state.

The Iranian regime, in fact, now has enough enriched uranium to produce weapons-grade uranium. The Institute for Science and International Security released a report on November 19 2021 that analyses and outlines the International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) latest report on Iran's nuclear activities. According to the Institute for Science and International Security:

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