Sunday, 9 January 2022

The Omega Shock Letter With "What’s Really Going On In Kazakhstan?"


What’s Really Going On In Kazakhstan?

Something is happening in Kazakhstan, and I don’t think that anyone is giving us the real story. I’m not sure that very many can – at least, not right now.

Having said that, the current kerfuffle in the streets of Almaty and Shymkent might be everything that news reports say. And, it all might die down by the time that you read this.

However, Kazakhstan occupies a very strategic location for both Russia and China. Turmoil there would hurt Moscow and Beijing, so it would be wise to assume that a certain three letter agency is involved.

But, let’s not forget the hooks in Gog.

Kazakhstan is in a terrible location. It’s landlocked and sits between two major powers that could gobble it up in a second. It’s population is tiny, less than twenty million people. In fact, if it was a city, Kazakhstan would only be the eleventh largest in the world.

The tiny island of Taiwan has a larger population than Kazakhstan.

However, Kazakhstan is the ninth largest country by land mass. Most of Europe could fit inside it’s borders. Yet, it’s 11th in the list of countries with the lowest population density – just behind Mauritania and Canada.

So, Kazakhstan is a tiny-but-large country with lots of resources. It exports more uranium than all other countries combined, and it has oil. Lots of it. The other ‘natural resource’ is access.

If China wants their Belt And Road Initiative (BRI) to succeed, they need Kazakhstan, since most of the BRI goes through Kazakh territory. China needs the Kazakhs to be friendly and at peace for the BRI to work. And, I would think that Russia would like the same thing.

FULL ARTICLE AT: What’s Really Going On In Kazakhstan?   

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