NTEB billboard warning the lost not to be left behind goes up today in Milledgeville, Georgia, by on fire NTEB'ers Bill and Marilyn
The Laodicean Church may be lukewarm and ineffectual for the Lord, as Jesus said they would be, but here at NTEB we are experiencing a remnant revival! Every, single day we receive cards, letters and emails from our amazing NTEB readers and listeners who are on fire for the Lord Jesus and excited about His soon return to come and get us. Today in Milledgeville, Georgia, NTEB'ers Bill and Marilyn have put up a digital billboard warning the lost in their town not to be left behind. You can see it for yourself when in Milledgeville at the intersection of US441 and GA22. If you see it, take a pic and post it in the comments below.
"But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." 1 Corinthians 15:57,58 (KJB)
One of the things I try very hard to do, is to stir people up to get in the game and get something done for the Lord Jesus Christ while there is still time left to do it. Longtime NTEB'er Tarah wrote the other day and said "Thank you for your ministry...You've never made it about yourself. Only Jesus and end times relating to the Bible. The growth you've achieved is blessed by the Lord because you went about it for the right reasons. It's pretty cool to see how the Lord is moving." To which I say a hearty "amen!", it is not about us, it is about the Lord Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.
I want what Bill and Marilyn did in Georgia to inspire you to get in the game if you haven't already, and if you have then to double-down and seek what the Lord would have you to do next. Revival begins when you give everything you have to the Lord Jesus and ask Him to use you for His glory. God is pleased with that and sends His Holy Spirit to set things on fire. He did it for Moody, and He is doing it for us. If you would like to put up a billboard where you live, send us an email and we'll be happy to create the artwork for it!
Take a look at how NTEB is having an impact on the Body of Christ around the world:
When you donate to Now The End Begins, it gives us the resources to produce 5 programs each week with 10 hours of end times bible prophecy, bible teaching and news from a Christian perspective. It also allows us to send people King James study bibles and gospel tracts at no charge. Because of you, bible believers across America and around the world have the resources they need to get something done for Jesus Christ and the coming Judgment Seat unbreakable appointment that we all have. Thank you!
- "Dear Brother, My Parcel has arrived. THANK YOU!!! Did you know you sent me two Bibles? Also a great big Thank You for the tracts, the T-Shirt, and the stunning mask! I am so incredibly blessed, I'm over the moon blessed, and had a good cry at the goodness of God, and your faithfulness to Him. Don't have the words to describe how I feel over your kindness toward me. May God bless you more than ever before." - With love always, Anne
- "Hi Geoff, we are in Australia and I listen to all your podcasts and bible studies. They are a great blessing to us and we have shared the link to your site many times!" - Wilma
- "The Bibles finally arrived Ps Geoff! They were held up at the Mumbai customs for inspection till Jan 25th. Thank you so much for these; especially for the NTEB Gospel Tracts... can’t wait to get started in top gear. We really appreciate the difference NTEB has made to our lives!! Blessings on you and your family." - Carl
- "Long story short, my wife and I recently purchased (2) Ruckman Reference Bibles and have been “overwhelmed” with all the Lord is showing us, I simply can’t get enough! The other weekend, I was convicted with a heart of repentance for all the years spent teaching others out of the other versions of the Bible. However, as we are “reaching forth unto those things which are before”, we now ONLY teach from the King James AV 1611 and have now shared the NTEB Website along with our recommendation to ONLY use the AV 1611 to the families and coworkers that the Lord has blessed us with teaching." - Kyle and Raigan
- "I just want you to know that i received already the package (Bibles, Gospel cards)... thank you very much for these, it is a big help to my co Pastors, Missionaries and also to our brethren here in the Philippines (Mindanao) God bless you always and your ministry as well. More blessings to come." - Pastor Johnrey
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