Monday, 5 April 2021

Arabs' Real Enemies: Iran and Turkey


In this mailing:

  • Khaled Abu Toameh: Arabs' Real Enemies: Iran and Turkey
  • Majid Rafizadeh: Where Are the US and the EU on Iran's Human Rights Violations?

Arabs' Real Enemies: Iran and Turkey

by Khaled Abu Toameh  •  April 5, 2021 at 5:00 am

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  • The Arabs are warning the world that Turkey and Iran are funding and arming terrorists, that they a major threat to security and stability in the Middle East, and that they keep meddling in the internal affairs of Arab countries.

  • The Arabs are also telling the world that the only way to deal with Turkey and Iran is by increasing political and economic pressure on them and holding them to account for their malign actions.

  • Turkey and Iran, in other words, are telling the Arabs that they can go to hell. They are also telling the Arabs that Turkey and Iran will continue to occupy Arab countries, meddle in their internal affairs, and unleash terrorist attacks to undermine their stability and security.

  • Veteran Saudi columnist Abdulrahman Al-Rashed warned that Iran's continued "military activities" in the region will likely lead to more chaos that will be increasingly difficult to control.

  • Al-Rashed also pointed out that the Houthi militia increased its missile and drone attacks on Saudi Arabia after the Biden administration revoked its designation as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.

  • [T]he latest Arab warning concerning the Turkish and Iranian threats has gone almost unnoticed by the international community and media. They only pay a great deal of attention to the resolutions of the Arab League foreign ministers when they include -- as they frequently do -- a condemnation of Israel.

Turkey and Iran are telling the Arabs that they can go to hell. They are also telling the Arabs that Turkey and Iran will continue to occupy Arab countries, meddle in their internal affairs, and unleash terrorist attacks to undermine their stability and security. Pictured: Iran's President Hassan Rouhani (left) and Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at a joint press conference in Ankara, Turkey on April 4, 2018. (Photo by Adem Altan/AFP via Getty Images)

After decades of portraying Israel as their mortal enemy, the Arabs have finally woken up to the fact that it is two Islamic countries, Turkey and Iran, that are actually threatening their security and stability.

The Arabs are now seeking to draw the world's attention to these Turkish and Iranian threats.

The Arabs are warning the world that Turkey and Iran are funding and arming terrorists, that they a major threat to stability in the Middle East, and that they keep meddling in the affairs of Arab countries.

They are also telling the world -- in message directed mainly to the Biden Administration -- that the only way to deal with Turkey and Iran is by increasing political and economic pressure on them and holding them to account for their malign actions.

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Where Are the US and the EU on Iran's Human Rights Violations?

by Majid Rafizadeh  •  April 5, 2021 at 4:00 am

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  • Although Iran ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, President Hassan Rouhani's government has made no effort to alter the country's Penal Code, which allows girls as young as nine to be executed.

  • "Iranian courts, and particularly revolutionary courts, regularly fall far short of providing fair trials and use confessions likely obtained under torture as evidence in court. Authorities have failed to meaningfully investigate numerous allegations of torture against detainees. Authorities routinely restrict detainees' access to legal counsel, particularly during the initial investigation period." — Human Rights Watch, "World Report 2021."

  • In rewarding Iran for malign behavior -- by again showering millions of dollars on the Iranian regime, lifting sanctions and reviving the nuclear deal -- the US and the EU are empowering the ruling clerics of Iran to further suppress and crack down on dissidents, torture and kill their citizens and expand their tyranny abroad.

The Iranian regime's suppression, torture and execution of political prisoners and those who protest against the theocratic establishment have reached an unprecedented level. According to a recent Human Rights Watch report, the Iranian regime is one of the world's leading executioners. (Image source: iStock)

While the Biden administration and the European Union are forging ahead to revive the Iran nuclear deal – which, by the way, Tehran never signed -- and lift sanctions on the Iranian regime, they are turning a blind eye on the regime's alarming and increasing human rights violations.

Human rights violations committed by the Iranian regime have become even more shattering and appalling. Unfortunately, Iran's leaders have been acting with full impunity. First, the suppression and execution of political prisoners and those who protest against Iran's theocratic establishment have reached an unprecedented level. According to a recent Human Rights Watch report, the Iranian regime is one of the world's leading executioners. In 2020, Iran's regime executed more than 230 people. These include individuals who committed their alleged crimes when they were children.

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