[T]his is exactly how McCarthyism worked back in the 1950s. The institutions that banned people accused of being communists did not necessarily believe the accusations or think that they justified the ban, but they feared being tainted even by false accusations. So, they went along with the ban, just to be safe.
When I was first falsely accused of having had sex with Virginia Roberts Giuffre in Epstein's New Mexico ranch, his island and other specified locations, I stated categorically that I have documentary records that conclusively prove I could not have been in those locations during the relevant time periods. I produced cell-phone records, American Express charges, travel documents, recorded TV appearances, teaching schedules, calendars, court appearances and other documents that persuaded Giuffre's own lawyers that it was "not possible" for her account to be true, and that—in her lawyer's own words—she was "wrong ... simply wrong" in accusing me.
We later found several "smoking gun" emails that proved she never met me or even heard of me. She had to be told by a journalist friend that I was a famous lawyer and that my name "was a good name for your [book] pitch," even though there was "no proof" I had done anything wrong. Giuffre then followed the journalist's advice and included my name in her book manuscript, but as a person she had seen, but never met, and certainly never had any relations with.
She told her best friend that she didn't want to accuse me but "felt pressure" from her lawyers to do so. She also told her best friend's husband that she never had sex with me. I have recordings confirming this.
We learned that at the same time Giuffre publicly accused me, her lawyers privately accused Wexner of nearly identical sexual misconduct and demanded a meeting to resolve her "claims" against him. Both Wexner's wife and lawyer told me it was a "shakedown" (the word is recorded on a tape). It seems obvious that I was being used as a stalking horse to send the unmistakable message to Wexner that if he didn't want to happen to him what happened to me—namely, a very public accusation—there are ways of resolving the matter.
When employment records proved she was 17, which is above the age of consent in New York and other states, she admitted she had been "mistaken." She also admitted that she was "mistaken" when she said she had dinner with Al and Tipper Gore on Epstein's island.
[H]er own lawyer has said on TV that based on his 11-year investigation, he does not believe that "any high-profile people" had sex with Giuffre. All of these high-profile people have categorically denied her accusations.
If her own lawyers don't believe her sworn accusation—and they have said they do not—how can others credit them? That is probably why the U.S. Attorney's office that indicted Epstein and Maxwell deliberately omitted Giuffre as a witness.
Nobody who has seen the evidence believes Giuffre, yet Temple Emanu-El nonetheless canceled me.
I offered to speak on how to combat these dangers [anti-Zionism and anti-Jewish attitudes in universities and among the hard left], but [t]he synagogue preferred to hear from Peter Beinart, who advocates the end of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people and who supports boycotts against Israelis. At the same time that I was canceled, Beinart received a substantial speaker's fee from the synagogue to make his case against Israel.
Silence is not the option in the face of unjustified McCarthyite censorship by a synagogue that claims to be a house of study, open-mindedness and Jewish values of dialogue and dissent. So, I will not quietly accept temple Emanu-El's hypocrisy and cowardice. Nor should you.
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